An OTP application that implements Flume patterns.
It can be useful if you need to collect, aggregate, transform, move large amount of data from/to different sources/destinations.
Implements ingest and real-time processing pipelines.
You can define agents
that will forms a pipeline for events.
A event will represent a unit of information.
Every agent
if made by one source and one or more sinks.
A source-sink is connected by a channel
After a source
and before every sink
you can inject interceptors as many as
you want.
Every interceptor
can enrich, transforms, aggregates, reject, ...
There are different channels: on RAM, on mnesia table, on RabbitMQ.
Every channels is made to take advantages of the technology used and maximize the reliability of the system also if something goes wrong, depending how much the memory is permanent.
All the events are staged inside the channel until they are successfully stored inside the next agent or in a terminal repository (e.g. database, file, ...).
$ rebar3 compile
Two agents connected:
+-----------------------------+ +-----------------------------+
| Agent 1 | | Agent 2 |
| | | |
|Source <--> Channel <--> Sink| <----> |Source <--> Channel <--> Sink|
| | | |
+-----------------------------+ +-----------------------------+
$ rebar3 auto --sname pippo --apps stepflow --config priv/example.config
# Run Agent 1 and Agent 2
1> [{_, {_, PidS1, _}}, {_, {_, PidS2, _}}] = stepflow_config:run("
interceptor Counter = stepflow_interceptor_counter#{}.
source FromMsg = stepflow_source_message[Counter]#{}.
channel Memory = stepflow_channel_memory#{}.
sink Echo = stepflow_sink_echo[Counter]#{}.
flow Agent2: FromMsg |> Memory |> Echo.
sink Connector = stepflow_sink_message[Counter]#{source => Agent2}.
flow Agent1: FromMsg |> Memory |> Connector.
# Send a message from Agent 1 to Agent 2
2> stepflow_source_message:append(
PidS1, [stepflow_event:new(#{}, <<"hello">>)]).
One source and two sinks (passing from memory and rabbitmq):
| Agent 1 |
| |
|Source <--> Channel1 (memory) <--> Sink1 |
| | |
| +-> Channel2 (rabbitmq) <--> Sink2 |
$ rebar3 auto --sname pippo --apps stepflow --config priv/example.config
1> [{_, {_, PidS, _}}] = stepflow_config:run("
FilterFun = fun(Events) ->
lists:any(fun(E) -> E == <<\"filtered\">> end, Events)
interceptor Filter = stepflow_interceptor_filter#{filter => FilterFun}.
interceptor Echo = stepflow_interceptor_echo#{}.
source FromMsg = stepflow_source_message[]#{}.
channel Memory = stepflow_channel_memory#{}.
channel Rabbitmq = stepflow_channel_rabbitmq#{}.
sink EchoMemory = stepflow_sink_echo[Echo]#{}.
sink EchoRabbitmq = stepflow_sink_echo[Filter]#{}.
flow Agent: FromMsg |> Memory |> EchoMemory;
|> Rabbitmq |> EchoRabbitmq.
> stepflow_source_message:append(PidS, [<<"hello">>]).
> % filtered message!
> stepflow_source_message:append(PidS, [<<"filtered">>]).
Count events but skip body <<"found">>
1> [{_, {_, PidS, _}}] = stepflow_config:run("
FilterFun = fun(Events) ->
lists:any(fun(Event) ->
stepflow_event:body(Event) == <<\"found\">>
end, Events)
interceptor Counter = stepflow_interceptor_counter#{
header => mycounter, eval => FilterFun
interceptor Show = stepflow_interceptor_echo#{}.
source FromMsg = stepflow_source_message[]#{}.
channel Rabbitmq = stepflow_channel_rabbitmq#{}.
sink Echo = stepflow_sink_echo[Counter, Show]#{}.
flow Agent: FromMsg |> Rabbitmq |> Echo.
# One event that is counted
stepflow_source_message:append(PidS, [stepflow_event:new(#{}, <<"hello">>)]).
# One event that is NOT counted
stepflow_source_message:append(PidS, [stepflow_event:new(#{}, <<"found">>)]).
Handle bulk of 7 events with a window of 10 seconds:
1> [{_, {_, PidS, _}}] = stepflow_config:run("
interceptor Counter = stepflow_interceptor_counter#{}.
source FromMsg = stepflow_source_message[Counter]#{}.
channel Buffer = stepflow_channel_mnesia#{
flush_period => 5000, capacity => 7, table => mytable
sink Echo = stepflow_sink_echo[]#{}.
flow Squeeze: FromMsg |> Buffer |> Echo.
# send multiple message quickly to fill the buffer!
# you will see that they arrive all together.<F11>
7> stepflow_source_message:append(PidS, [stepflow_event:new(#{}, <<"hello">>)]).
8> stepflow_source_message:append(PidS, [stepflow_event:new(#{}, <<"hello">>)]).
9> stepflow_source_message:append(PidS, [stepflow_event:new(#{}, <<"hello">>)]).
Aggregate events in a single one:
1> [{_, {_, PidS, _}}] = stepflow_config:run("
SqueezeFun = fun(Events) ->
BodyNew = lists:foldr(fun(Event, Acc) ->
Body = stepflow_event:body(Event),
<< Body/binary, <<\" \">>/binary, Acc/binary >>
end, <<\"\">>, Events),
{ok, [stepflow_event:new(#{}, BodyNew)]}
interceptor Squeezer = stepflow_interceptor_transform#{
eval => SqueezeFun
source FromMsg = stepflow_source_message[Squeezer]#{}.
channel Mnesia = stepflow_channel_mnesia#{
flush_period => 10, capacity => 2, table => pippo
sink Echo = stepflow_sink_echo[]#{}.
flow Aggretator: FromMsg |> Mnesia |> Echo.
8> stepflow_source_message:append(PidS, [
stepflow_event:new(#{}, <<"hello">>),
stepflow_event:new(#{}, <<" world">>)
Index events in ElasticSearch.
| Agent 1 |
User | |
| | Source <---------------> Channel <--------> Sink |
+------->| (erlang message) (memory) (index inside ES) |
SEND | |
Event +------------------------------------------------------------------+
$ rebar3 shell --apps stepflow_sink_elasticsearch
1> [{_, {_, PidS, _}}] = stepflow_config:run("
interceptor Counter = stepflow_interceptor_counter#{}.
source FromMsg = stepflow_source_message[Counter]#{}.
channel Memory = stepflow_channel_memory#{}.
sink Elasticsearch = stepflow_sink_elasticsearch[]#{
host => <<\"localhost\">>, port => 9200, index => <<\"myindex\">>
flow Agent: FromMsg |> Memory |> Elasticsearch.
2> stepflow_source_message:append(
PidS, [stepflow_event:new(#{}, <<"hello">>)]).
You can run RabbitMQ
with docker:
$ docker run --rm --hostname my-rabbit --name some-rabbit -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 rabbitmq:3-management
And open the web interface:
$ firefox
You can run ElasticSearch
with docker:
$ docker pull
$ docker run -p 9200:9200 -e "" -e "" -e ""
The module is still quite unstable because the heavy development. The API could change until at least v0.1.0.