Website for HackNA
- 2017
- minihacks -> 2018workshops.html
- create a base folder for the year you want (e.g. if you're creating a website for HackNA on Jan. 1, 2020, then the folder should be named 2020)
- feel free to do whatever you want in the "2020" folder
- when you're done, contact @akshathjain so I can make sure the website redirects to your new site
- add a link to the website archive in the future/index.html file (on the navbar)
- contact @akshathjain and tell me so the site redirects to the future branch
- this is very simple -> just create a shareable Google Doc that has a link viewable to everyone (refer to the 2018 as a template)
- make a copy of 2018workshops.html
- rename this copy to YYYYworkshops.html (e.g. 2020workshops.html)
- make sure YYYYworkshops.html (your new MiniHacks landing page) is in the minihacks folder
- your landing page will be accessible ONLY through the future page
- when you're done, contact @akshathjain so I can make sure everything is accessible
- anything committed to the master branch will be live
- be sure you want it to be live before committing to master
- any unfinished changes should be committed to an uncompleted-branch (feel free to make a new one), and when you're ready, merge that branch with the master branch