Useful links compiled by the MSU hacky-hour group.
Markdown cheatsheet
Markdown syntax
R for Data Science: A free book by big wig package developer Hadley Wickham. This book focuses heavily on the tidyverse suite of packages (most notably dplyr, tidyr, ggplot2).
Advanced R: A free book by big wig package developer Hadley Wickham. As the name implies, this book focuses on more advanced techniques in R.
Cheatsheet for plotting with ggplot2
Color cheatsheet for R
Faceting in ggplot2: Facets in ggplot allow you to plot data relative to the levels of 1-2 variables.
Excel to R: Sometimes you just have to deal with Bill Gates
A package for doing power analysis with mixed models: I was searching high and low for how to do this, and finally found this package that is SO EASY to use <3 ~Carina