Simple Tool to Generate Variables file from Terraform Configuration. It will find all *.tf files in current directory, and generate file. If you already have this file, it will ask to override it.
I want to create a tool to generate
from *.tf
, and found this awesome project terraform-variables-generator.
So based on it, I add some enhancements that seems can not be merged back 😂
- Docker, for development
- Linux/macOS, not test in Windows now
- Refactor dramatically for basic maintenance friendly
- Use dep to do dependencies management
- Add customized var settings, that can help to create more flexible file
- Full support variable block element, like 'type', 'description', 'default'
- Use 'terraform fmt' api to do the final format
- Add Makefile to do task management
- Introduce docker environment for the development
- Add more tests to do the better coverage
- Update .travis.yml with docker setup
make install
and uninstall by:
make uninstall
It will find all *.tf files in current directory, and generate file. If you already have this file, it will ask to override it.
and you can find help info by:
tfvargen -h
Also you can customized variable block with vars.yml
to be put into the *.tf
directory, like
- public_subnets:
type: list
description: subnets for public
default: |
["sub1", "sub2"]
- tags:
type: map
default: |
Name = "Terraform"
- cidrs:
type: list
default: |
["", ""]
- t1-var2:
description: var for t1
type: string
resource "aws_eip" "nat" {
vpc = true
count = "${length(var.public_subnets)}"
resource "aws_nat_gateway" "nat" {
allocation_id = "${element(aws_eip.nat.*.id, count.index)}"
subnet_id = "${element(aws_subnet.public.*.id, count.index)}"
count = "${length(var.public_subnets)}"
tags = "${var.tags}"
data "template_file" "template1" {
template = "${file("${path.module}/template1.tpl")}"
vars {
t1_var1 = "${var.cidrs}"
t1-var2 = "${var.t1-var2}"
t1-var3 = "${var.t1-Var3}-${var.t1-inline}"
Will generate:
variable "cidrs" {}
variable "public_subnets" {}
variable "t1-Var3" {}
variable "t1-inline" {}
variable "t1-var2" {}
variable "tags" {}
And, if you add customized conf vars.yml
- public_subnets:
type: list
description: subnets for public
default: |
["sub1", "sub2"]
- tags:
type: map
default: |
Name = "Terraform"
- cidrs:
type: list
default: |
["", ""]
- t1-var2:
description: var for t1
type: string
then run generator again, the result will be:
variable "cidrs" {
type = "list"
default = ["", ""]
variable "public_subnets" {
description = "subnets for public"
type = "list"
default = ["sub1", "sub2"]
variable "t1-Var3" {}
variable "t1-inline" {}
variable "t1-var2" {
description = "var for t1"
type = "string"
variable "tags" {
type = "map"
default = {
Name = "Terraform"
make test
, run unit test, coverage test, static analyticsmake run
, run program to
directorymake build
, cross compile binaries, and put intodist/bin
directorymake debug
, usedlv
to do thegdb-style
debugmake dev
, build docker image used in dev