Magento 2 Reward Points systempulls your customers closer when letting them earn and spend points as a discount or another payment method during purchasing. Your shoppers have to perform more on your store site to get more points. In fact, you can totally set up various stunning events to attract shoppers as well as give them a chance to earn points and continue loving your products. Nowadays, the perfect measure of success in e-commerce market is how many loyal customers who frequently place orders you have instead of those who create single purchase at your store. So how to increase the interaction between customers and store owners and establish the great consumption cycle on your website?
Magento 2 Reward Points extension will allow earning unlimited reward points as well as use them flexibly as payment methods if need. The customers will get points by signing up, buying any product, or sharing via social channels, etc. By this way, it is not complicated to build the loyal customer network supplying the number of leads for the merchants.
- Customizable module to set earning/spending rules
- Free to reward points via a variety of customer behaviors
- Allow using reward points as a payment method
- Drive new traffic to Magento 2 store by reward points
- Track loyalty program via advanced report
The following are the helpful features which should be contained in the effect Loyalty Program. Check it out!
With any types of sales or types of business, you must originate a customer loyalty program because of its benefits: #### Get new customersA program makes attractive to customers when providing considerable benefits. Potential customers can perceive your business readily if you have an effective loyalty program. Beside, quality of customers is raise.
According to Marketing Metrics: the probability of selling to an existing customer is 60 – 70% while the probability of selling to a new prospect is 5-20%. A customer loyalty program is designed to encourage your customers in returning more times to do actions (purchase, sharing, refer friends, etc) which promote your business most effectively.
Customer want to be recognized, offered better value and kept in the knowledge of best offerings. Your program immediately use human attributes to build strong connections. Having steady relationships is a widely supported your Brand awareness through 'Word of Mouth'. People will have great trust in your business.
According to Lee Resources 2010, attracting a new customer that costs five times as much as keeping an existing one. This great program can help you do better marketing by increasing brand awareness, website traffic, etc with low cost.
It is time for eCommerce stores to need a loyalty program for own. First, find 3 important keys of the loyalty program, because they will affect on how to create right program.The bonus system is the first thing customers are curious about your loyalty program. A program is successful when its bonus system is simple enough to understand, worthy enough for customers to agree to join in.
The number of people who know as well as go together with your program have a great influence on your success.