This project demonstrates image augmentation techniques and trains a neural network on the MNIST dataset using TensorFlow. The goal is to showcase the impact of data augmentation on model performance.
Image Augmentation:
- Horizontal flipping
- Grayscale conversion
- Saturation adjustment
- Brightness adjustment
- Rotation adjustment
- Cropping adjustment
Dataset Preparation:
- Preprocessing and normalization of MNIST data.
- Efficient pipeline with caching, shuffling, batching, and prefetching.
Deep Learning Model:
- Neural network with two hidden layers, each having 4096 neurons and ReLU activation.
- Trained on augmented and non-augmented datasets for performance comparison.
System Requirements
Python 3.6+
TensorFlow 2.x (Ensure version of Tensorflow compatible with cuDNN library.)
TensorFlow Datasets
Pillow (PIL)
TensorFlow Docs (optional for visualization) - Ensure version of Tensorflow and cuDNN library.