- Lossless compression of PNGS implemented by zopfli typically results in a compression ratio of 5% more than other lossless compression tools at the expense of longer compression time.
pip install zopflipng
# a simple example, using the default configuration
from zopflipng import png_optimize
data = open('test.png', 'rb').read()
result, code = png_optimize(data)
# if code ==0 ,png compression success
if code == 0:
# save png
with open('result.png','wb') as f:
- Use quick, but not very good, compression:
result, code = png_optimize(data, use_zopfli=False)
- Compress really good and trying all filter strategies:
result, code = png_optimize(data, lossy_8bit=True, lossy_transparent=True, filter_strategies='01234mepb', num_iterations=500)
If you want to process multiple images, use multiprocessing