This is a small program that takes tiffs with manual 'vectors' drawn in imageJ and saves all the vectors as vector.txt files and then moves them into the correct LAM files in a LAM analysis samples folder. As in the IMARIS_to_LAM programme, this programme requires that your tiffs are named in the format: NAME_YYYY-MM-DD_XXXXXX. This is what the tiffs are usually called when they are derived from the AUROX microscope.
- Select the imageJ.exe file (usually somewhere like: "C:\hyapp\fiji-win64-1.52p\\ImageJ-win64.exe")
- Then select the input folder with the tiffs containing the manually drawn vectors (make sure that is all this folder contains).
- Finally select the LAM /analysis/samples folder with the samples corresponding to the tiffs. N.B. the sample folders must have the same name as the tiffs e.g. 'OR_2020-08-31_145800' so that the programme can move the vector files to the correct folder.