Spring Boot + Spring Cloud AWS
###Description This little demo project helps to understand:
How to create AWS Configuration for initalizing and injecting BasicAWSCredentials, amazonS3Client, SimpleMessageListenerContainer, QueueMessagingTemplate, AmazonSQSAsync(client)
How to create S3Wrapper to facilitate create and delete objects on S3
How to create SQSWrapper to facilitate create and delete messages on SQS
Create SQS listener for any arbitary SQS queue and start it as background server and configure it to read number of messages during each poll
###How to Open
IntelliJ -> Open -> build.gradle
###Compile Setting
Open IntelliJ Preference
- Build, Execution, Deployment -> Compiler
-> Check 'Make project automatically'
###How to Run
- application-example.properties rename to application.properties
- set your AWS accessKey & secretKey
- commands to run from terminal
gradle build
gradle bootRun
URL to verify http://localhost:8080//api/aws/sqs/readMessage
GET /api/aws/s3/list : List of Objects
GET /api/aws/s3/download?key={key} : Download
POST /api/aws/s3/upload : Upload
GET /api/aws/sqs/readMessage : reads a message from SQS
POST /api/aws/sqs/addMessage : push a message to SQS
- Java 8
- Spring Boot 1.3.0.M2
- Spring Cloud AWS 1.0.2.RELEASE
- Gradle 2.4