A numerical study of the changes in the dynamics and stability of a system upon variations in its parameters
Consider the following system of ordinary differential equations: dx/dt = F(x)
- Determine the fixed point vector, x∗, solving F(x∗) = 0
- Construct the Jacobian matrix, J(x) = ∂F(x)/∂x
- Compute eigenvalues of J(x∗): det |J(x∗) − λE| = 0
- Conclude on stability or instability of x∗ based on the real parts of eigenvalues
- All eigenvalues have real parts less than zero → x∗ is stable
- At least one of the eigenvalues has a real part greater than zero → x∗ is unstable
# Change directory to examples/XXX
using .Bifurcation
$ git clone https://github.com/himoto/bifurcation.git
I would particularly like to thank Dr. Gouhei Tanaka (Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo) for valuable discussions.
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