A toolkit that simplifies integration between IBM Streams and the BlueMix MessageHub service.
The toolkit documentation, including details on ways to configure the toolkit to connect to MessageHub can be found here: https://ibmstreams.github.io/streamsx.messagehub/
cd com.ibm.streamsx.messagehub
../gradlew build
./gradlew spldoc
./gradlew release
Create a MessageHub Service in IBM Bluemix
In the IBM Bluemix MessageHub service, create a topic "test"
Add the MessageHub JSON credentials to the tests/MessageHubTests/etc/messagehub.json
Run the following commands to launch the tests:
cd tests/MessageHubTestsTests
../../gradlew test
NOTE: Tests will run using the local domain specified by the STREAMS_DOMAIN_ID env var. All tests run in Distributed mode.
Each sample contains a build.gradle file. The samples can be built/compiled by running gradle build
from the sample directory.