This repository contains the backend microservice for eSSTTP (Enhanced Self Service Time To Pay).
It is built using Scala (2.13) and the Play framework (2.8). We use linting tools such as WartRemover and Scalariform.
This microservice acts as a state machine, utilising mongodb.
As users progress through the frontend journey various rest endpoints are called to update the state of the users journey.
This project makes use of sbt modules - which act as libraries for our models and anything else we may want to reuse in the frontend. We have coined the term cor
for these modules - collection of routines
- Dictionary
- Diagram of flow state
- Running the service locally
- Running tests
- Developing locally
- Examples of requests
Acronyms used in a codebase. To speed up writing and reading.
Phrase | Description |
Sj | Start Journey |
Bta | Business Tax Account - client app |
Pta | Personal Tax Account - client app |
Epaye | Employers' Pay as you earn - tax type |
Vat | Value-added tax - tax type |
Sa | Self Assessment - tax type |
graph TD;
Started --> ComputedTaxId;
ComputedTaxId --> EligibilityCheck;
EligibilityCheck --> EligibilityCheck.Eligible;
EligibilityCheck --> EligibilityCheck.Ineligible;
EligibilityCheck.Eligible --> ObtainedWhyCannotPayInFullAnswers;
ObtainedWhyCannotPayInFullAnswers --> AnsweredCanPayUpfront.Yes;
ObtainedWhyCannotPayInFullAnswers --> AnsweredCanPayUpfront.No;
AnsweredCanPayUpfront.No --> RetrievedExtremeDates;
AnsweredCanPayUpfront.Yes --> EnteredUpfrontPaymentAmount --> RetrievedExtremeDates;
RetrievedExtremeDates --> RetrievedAffordabilityResult;
RetrievedAffordabilityResult --> ObtainedCanPayWithinSixMonthsAnswers;
ObtainedCanPayWithinSixMonthsAnswers --> ObtainedCanPayWithinSixMonthsAnswers.Yes;
ObtainedCanPayWithinSixMonthsAnswers --> ObtainedCanPayWithinSixMonthsAnswers.No;
ObtainedCanPayWithinSixMonthsAnswers --> ObtainedCanPayWithinSixMonthsAnswers.NotRequired;
ObtainedCanPayWithinSixMonthsAnswers.Yes --> EnteredMonthlyPaymentAmount;
ObtainedCanPayWithinSixMonthsAnswers.No --> StartedPEGACase;
StartedPEGACase --> CheckedPaymentPlan;
ObtainedCanPayWithinSixMonthsAnswers.NotRequired --> EnteredMonthlyPaymentAmount;
EnteredMonthlyPaymentAmount --> EnteredDayOfMonth;
EnteredDayOfMonth --> RetrievedStartDates;
RetrievedStartDates --> RetrievedAffordableQuotes;
RetrievedAffordableQuotes --> ChosenPaymentPlan;
ChosenPaymentPlan --> CheckedPaymentPlan;
CheckedPaymentPlan --> EnteredCanYouSetUpDirectDebit.CannotSetUpDirectDebit;
CheckedPaymentPlan --> EnteredCanYouSetUpDirectDebit.CanSetUpDirectDebit;
EnteredCanYouSetUpDirectDebit.CanSetUpDirectDebit --> EnteredDirectDebitDetails;
EnteredDirectDebitDetails --> ConfirmedDirectDebitDetails;
ConfirmedDirectDebitDetails --> EmailAddressRequired;
ConfirmedDirectDebitDetails --> EmailAddressNotRequired;
EmailAddressRequired --> EmailChosen;
EmailChosen --> Locked;
EmailChosen --> VerificationSuccess;
VerificationSuccess --> SubmittedArrangement;
EmailAddressNotRequired --> SubmittedArrangement;
To edit this, use mermaid live editor
You can run the service locally using sbt: sbt run
If running locally, the service runs on port 9216
You can run the unit/integration tests locally using sbt: sbt test
To run a specific spec, run sbt 'testOnly *<SpecName>'
, e.g. sbt 'testOnly *JourneyControllerSpec'
If you want to make changes to one of the cors and test those changes locally before raising a pull request, you can publish your changes locally.
To do this, simply run
sbt publishLocal
to create a snapshot version of backend locally (e.g. 1.10.0-SNAPSHOT
) then use that as the cor version in frontend.
There are examples of http requests here
This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.