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Stream Deck Volume Control Instructions

Samuel Colburn edited this page Nov 25, 2019 · 3 revisions

What is this?

NK2 Tray isn't a solution for every volume-related problem that comes along. In this case, some people may already own a Stream Deck and are not interested in buying additional hardware. This document describes, in brief, how someone with a Stream Deck can set up per-application volume control. It's a bit clunky, but it works!


1) Download NirCmd

2) Install NirCmd

  • Extract your NirCmd download and right-click nircmd.exe and select Run as administrator
  • When it opens, it should pop up a dialog box. Click Copy To Windows Directory

3) Configure Stream Deck Software

  • In the Stream Deck software go to the System category on the right and drag Open to an unused button
  • Add a title that describes your action, in my case Chrome↓
  • In the App / File section, enter something like NirCmd.exe changeappvolume chrome.exe -0.1 That's it! You now have a button that decreases Chrome's volume by 10%.

4) Repeat

You probably want to be able to increase volume, too! You can repeat step 3 above but enter NirCmd.exe changeappvolume chrome.exe +0.1 to increase(↑) volume.

You can change the app name to whatever you like, and do a ton more with NirCmd. There are tons of examples on the NirCmd page, and also a nice blog post describing what we're doing above.