List of utilities (so far):
- Anti-Nickname: Kick player who has invalid character in their username (such as '§#%Hacker')
- Anti-NoComCrash: Kicking player 0.0001 second after they use NoComCrash hack, can't even generate a single region on your world (Your world is safe)
- Anti-LogAcc: All players in your map won't get disconnect when someone trying to use the same username and stealing session
- Anti-Particle : Ignore particle packets when the particle amount greater than 100 (count)
- /ip : Get players IP address
- Anti-Nickname: Auto-kicking invalid username player (such as '§#%Hacker')
- Anti-NoComCrash: Auto-kicking player who using NoCom exploit crash.
- Anti-LogAcc: All players in your map won't get disconnect when somebody try to use the same username and stealing people session
- Anti-Particle : Bypass all particle packets that have quantity greater than 500 (particle count)
- /ip (username): Get all players IP address (or someone)
- /crash : Crashing a player in your map
- /ban : Ban players
- /banip : Ban IP address