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bob edited this page Jun 19, 2020 · 1 revision




a typescript query builder for arangodb's ArangoSearch


ArangoSearch provides a high-level API for interacting with Arango Search Views through the Arango Query Language (AQL). This library aims to provide a query parser and AQL query builder to enable full boolean search operations across all available Arango Search View capabilities, including, PHRASE and TOKENS operations. With minimal syntax overhead the user can generate multi-lingual and language-specific, complex phrase, proximity and tokenized search terms.

For example, passing a search phrase like: +mandatory -exclude ?"optional phrase" to buildAQL, will produce the following query:

FOR doc IN search_view

        TOKENS(@value0, @value1)
        ALL IN doc.@value2, @value1),
    @value3) OR (MIN_MATCH(
        TOKENS(@value0, @value1)
        ALL IN doc.@value2, @value1),
    @value3) AND @value4)


        TOKENS(@value5, @value1)
        NONE IN doc.@value2, @value1),

    OPTIONS @value6
      SORT TFIDF(doc) DESC

      LIMIT @value7, @value8
  RETURN doc

This query will retrieve all documents that include the term "mandatory" AND do not include the term "exclude", AND whose ranking will be boosted by the presence of the phrase "optional phrase". If no mandatory or exclude terms are provided, optional terms are considered required, so as not to retrieve all documents.


  1. running generated AQL queries will require a working arangodb instance. in the future, it is hoped that this package can be imported and used in the arangosh, as well as client and server side. Currently there is only limited support for server-side use.


!! packaging and export behavior is not stable, and is likely to change !! significantly in the short-term

  1. clone this repository in your es6 compatible project.


import {buildAQL} from 'path/to/AQLqueryBuilder'
const queryObject =
  "view": "the_arango-search_view-name",
  "collections": [
      "name": "collection_name",
      "analyzer": "analyzer_name"
  "query": "+'query string' -for +parseQuery ?to parse"
const aqlQuery = buildAQL(queryObject)
// ... const cursor = await db.query(aqlQuery)

query object

buildAQL accepts an object with the following properties: Example:

  "view": "the_arango-search_view-name",
  "collections": [
      "collection_name", "analyzer":
  "query": "either a +query ?\"string for parseQuery to parse\"",
  "query": [
           {"type": "phr", "op": "?", "val": "\"or a list of query objects\""},
           {"type": "tok", "op": "-", "val": "tokens"}
  "filters": [
      "field": "field_name",
      "op": ">",
      "val": 0
      "start": 0,
      "end": 20,

default query syntax

