Usage: This is your work sheet. Change it in any way you want (as long as you can answer the goals), add any notes that help you personally to remember tomorrow and also the days after tomorrow.
This is a Markdown file which many servers, like GitHub too, format nicely as HTML.
- never delete the '.git' directory Goal: I know how to create a local Git repository.
What does Git do when initialising a local repository?
- Your answer
Goal: I can explain what “workspace”, “staging area”, and “local repository” are.
Goal: I can explain what a “commit” is.
I want to remember:
- (New stuff you learned)
Goal: I know how to show the current (workspace and staged) changes.
Goal: I can undo changes in the workspace and in the staging area.
Goal: I understand when branches are used and how they are merged back.
Goal: I know how to find help about a command
I have the following branches:
Goal: I am able to resolve merge conflicts.
Goal: I can simplify the history by rebasing.
Goal: I know how to temporarily undo my changes.
Goal: I can push my changes to a remote.
Goal: I know when it makes sense to create a commit or a branch.
Most important commands for me:
- (Your text here)
Show current directory
Change to subdirectory and back to parent
cd subdir
cd ..
List files in current directory
ls -lah
git help <command>
- Explain Git with D3 shows nicely animated graphs for Git commands
- Git Cheatsheet is a nice cheatsheet with all the areas and operations in Git
- no deep shit but a good summary
- Pro Git if you are really serious (or curious)