This project demonstrates the lambda architecture applied on big data being generated by the twitter firehose and dailying/historical stock information.
This project makes use of a number of big data technologies (Kafka, Spark, Hive, HBase, etc.) and the details on how these are applied are contained in their relevant sub-project folder of this submission.
Please visit the sub-project folders for more information. They each contain their own
on architecture considerations/decisions as well as installation and deployment information.
project root
|_ big-data
| |_ batch-ingest (spark, kafka, scala)
| |_ batch-processing (spark, hive)
| |_ speed-layer (kafka, hbase, python)
|_ scripts
| |_ batch-to-serving (hql, manual workaround)
| |_ misc-stuff
|_ web
|_ backend-web-app (flask, kafka, hbase, python)
|_ frontend-web-app (client interface, vuejs)
- Batch Ingest -- completed
- Batch Processing -- completed
- Individual views -- completed
- Join views -- completed, not turned on
- ML-Sentiment analysis -- completed
- ML-LinRegression -- not completed
- Batch to Serving -- manual workaround (see scripts)
- Serving Layer --completed
- Speed Layer -- completed
- Backend Web -- completed
- Frontend Web -- completed