Releases: hugo082/DBManagerBundle
Minor links bug
Minor links bug
2.0.2 Error in Doc + Bug link
Annotations Support
2.0.1 minor bug integrate disabled action in view
FQTDBCoreBundle implementation
Implementation of FQTDBCoreBundle and added many features
Events support
Now you can execute custom process for each action with events. Before execute an action DBM call an event, if you set his property execute to true, DBM ignore default action.
For more information, see /
Custom constraints
Now, you can define a custom constraints for each action on each entity.
For more information, see /
Entity access support
Now, you can define access for all entity and all action on an entity. For this you must install and activate FOSUserBundle.
For more information, see /
Override views and fix
Now, you can override all views more easier. You can also list an empty entity and load your entity in one line.
For more informations, see / file.
Optimisation of configuration file
You can now specify only required information. DBM load automatically your entity and your form type without fullPath and other details.
Permissions of all entities are more efficiently managed and easier to configure.
Now, DBM can also configure your views with default settings.
For more details, see
First stable version
Database Manager Web Interface
DBManager is a web interface generator that help you to implement a database
manager on your website.
Features include:
- Action control on entity
- Add
- Edit
- Remove
- Personalize interface
21 FEV 17
Composer requirement
Add repositories to your composer.json
"repositories" : [
"type" : "vcs",
"url" : "",
"no-api": true
Add requirement :
"require": {
"hello/worldbundle": "*",
Update your requirements with composer update
Bundle configuration
Enable the bundle in the kernel :
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new FOS\UserBundle\FOSUserBundle()
Update your config.yml
add: false
list: false
DisplayName: # Display and URL name
name: RealName
bundle: AppBundle
fullpath: AppBundle\Entity\RealName
formtype: AppBundle\Form\RealNameType
add: true
edit: true
remove: false
DBManagerBundle is a FOUQUET initiative.
See also the creator.
This bundle is under the MIT license. See the complete license in the bundle