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This notebook presents a demonstration of classifying Chandra Source Catalog v2 (CSCv2) using the MUltiWavelength Machine Learning CLASSification Pipeline with CSCv2 and multiwavelength data
This notebook was run in CIAO 4.14 with Python 3.9
conda create -n ciao-4.14 -c -c conda-forge ciao sherpa ds9 ciao-contrib caldb_main marx python=3.9
run 'bash' under CIAO 4.14 environment to install all required packages
then, make sure to enable widgetsnbextension and ipyaladin, run
jupyter nbextension enable --py widgetsnbextension
jupyter nbextension enable --py --sys-prefix ipyaladin on your terminal
You might also need to manually register the existing ds9 with the xapns name server by selecting the ds9 File->XPA->Connect menu option so your ds9 will be fully accessible to pyds9.