If you are looking for how to get the assemblies or information about the assemblies, navigate to the data_tables
- Reach out on the #Data channel of the HPRC Slack to request credentials for the HPRC bucket
- Organize your data by sample and name with the assembly name.
- Organize the files by sample to allow for easier indexing
- For example
- For example
- The assembly name can be found in the assembly index and should be used as a "key" to ensure that users know which file was used to create the results.
- For example, analysis done for assembly
should be namedHG00408_pat_hprc_r2_v1.0.1.yourtool.bed
- For example, analysis done for assembly
- Organize the files by sample to allow for easier indexing
- Follow the instructions to upload data to the bucket
Analysis results should be uploaded to the S3 bucket if they are reasonably expected to be useful across the consortium.
The following folders are used for tracking and aiding assembly and assembly QC production.
- assembly: assembly notes and tracking
- polishing: polishing of raw assemblies
- upload: clean up and upload to Genbank (including contamination fixes)
- download: download and renaming of assemblies from Genbank
- assembly_qc: QC of genbank assemblies
- hpc: helper scripts for launching analysis
- reference_data: notes on reference data provenance