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Example output

Fabian Fichter edited this page Feb 2, 2023 · 1 revision

The below output is based on games from the chess olympiad 2022 (as a diverse and representative dataset under stable conditions) analyzed at depth 10.

ACPL dependent on Elo

## move stats aggregated by rating range
                  elo bestmove    cpl el_sf  el_l
                 mean     mean   mean  mean  mean
(1200, 1300] 1251.636    0.492 29.229 0.037 0.022
(1300, 1400] 1333.394    0.448 27.814 0.029 0.020
(1400, 1500] 1462.033    0.449 32.399 0.034 0.022
(1500, 1600] 1559.242    0.472 29.164 0.034 0.021
(1600, 1700] 1660.431    0.471 27.115 0.034 0.020
(1700, 1800] 1750.034    0.481 27.761 0.036 0.021
(1800, 1900] 1843.380    0.491 24.587 0.033 0.019
(1900, 2000] 1953.277    0.500 23.632 0.032 0.018
(2000, 2100] 2048.518    0.517 20.072 0.028 0.016
(2100, 2200] 2152.285    0.528 19.330 0.027 0.015
(2200, 2300] 2244.969    0.545 17.946 0.025 0.014
(2300, 2400] 2351.649    0.552 16.117 0.023 0.013
(2400, 2500] 2448.477    0.568 14.186 0.021 0.012
(2500, 2600] 2551.843    0.577 12.980 0.020 0.011
(2600, 2700] 2642.509    0.593 11.502 0.019 0.010
(2700, 2800] 2734.398    0.603 10.135 0.017 0.009
(2800, 2900] 2864.000    0.601  8.551 0.012 0.008


## game stats correlation
### Pearson
             elo   score   moves  bestmove    acpl  tel_sf  ael_sf   tel_l   ael_l   aev_l   accpl  acel_l  ewel_l   nel_l
elo       1.0000  0.2191  0.0581    0.4305 -0.5450 -0.2262 -0.3105 -0.3710 -0.4856  0.2330 -0.5994 -0.5639 -0.5467 -0.5499
score     0.2191  1.0000  0.0078    0.4007 -0.3889 -0.2118 -0.2679 -0.3056 -0.3895  0.8372 -0.4099 -0.4389 -0.5873 -0.6084
moves     0.0581  0.0078  1.0000    0.0383 -0.1244  0.4524 -0.0347  0.5064 -0.0949  0.0055 -0.0972 -0.0837 -0.1063 -0.1095
bestmove  0.4305  0.4007  0.0383    1.0000 -0.5600 -0.2920 -0.4043 -0.4134 -0.5579  0.3740 -0.6159 -0.5557 -0.5790 -0.5944
acpl     -0.5450 -0.3889 -0.1244   -0.5600  1.0000  0.4222  0.6553  0.6310  0.9370 -0.3144  0.9107  0.9016  0.8465  0.8779
tel_sf   -0.2262 -0.2118  0.4524   -0.2920  0.4222  1.0000  0.7938  0.8390  0.5799 -0.1642  0.4479  0.5052  0.4071  0.4289
ael_sf   -0.3105 -0.2679 -0.0347   -0.4043  0.6553  0.7938  1.0000  0.6155  0.8120 -0.2051  0.6227  0.7018  0.5956  0.6255
tel_l    -0.3710 -0.3056  0.5064   -0.4134  0.6310  0.8390  0.6155  1.0000  0.7185 -0.2382  0.6542  0.6741  0.5865  0.6041
ael_l    -0.4856 -0.3895 -0.0949   -0.5579  0.9370  0.5799  0.8120  0.7185  1.0000 -0.3062  0.8792  0.9197  0.8352  0.8626
aev_l     0.2330  0.8372  0.0055    0.3740 -0.3144 -0.1642 -0.2051 -0.2382 -0.3062  1.0000 -0.3831 -0.4389 -0.6322 -0.6484
accpl    -0.5994 -0.4099 -0.0972   -0.6159  0.9107  0.4479  0.6227  0.6542  0.8792 -0.3831  1.0000  0.9138  0.8904  0.9035
acel_l   -0.5639 -0.4389 -0.0837   -0.5557  0.9016  0.5052  0.7018  0.6741  0.9197 -0.4389  0.9138  1.0000  0.9447  0.9424
ewel_l   -0.5467 -0.5873 -0.1063   -0.5790  0.8465  0.4071  0.5956  0.5865  0.8352 -0.6322  0.8904  0.9447  1.0000  0.9781
nel_l    -0.5499 -0.6084 -0.1095   -0.5944  0.8779  0.4289  0.6255  0.6041  0.8626 -0.6484  0.9035  0.9424  0.9781  1.0000
### Spearman
             elo   score   moves  bestmove    acpl  tel_sf  ael_sf   tel_l   ael_l   aev_l   accpl  acel_l  ewel_l   nel_l
elo       1.0000  0.2335  0.0264    0.4675 -0.6039 -0.2860 -0.3509 -0.4524 -0.5508  0.2052 -0.6179 -0.5770 -0.5358 -0.5279
score     0.2335  1.0000  0.0115    0.4103 -0.4387 -0.2620 -0.3142 -0.3692 -0.4548  0.8669 -0.4291 -0.5049 -0.6644 -0.6824
moves     0.0264  0.0115  1.0000    0.0294 -0.0431  0.4436  0.0231  0.5066 -0.0311  0.0085 -0.0353 -0.0111 -0.0182 -0.0185
bestmove  0.4675  0.4103  0.0294    1.0000 -0.5947 -0.3304 -0.4028 -0.4812 -0.5926  0.3868 -0.6198 -0.6009 -0.6130 -0.6152
acpl     -0.6039 -0.4387 -0.0431   -0.5947  1.0000  0.5233  0.6344  0.7630  0.9446 -0.3645  0.9761  0.9387  0.8816  0.8877
tel_sf   -0.2860 -0.2620  0.4436   -0.3304  0.5233  1.0000  0.8820  0.8172  0.6539 -0.2267  0.5246  0.6291  0.5904  0.5926
ael_sf   -0.3509 -0.3142  0.0231   -0.4028  0.6344  0.8820  1.0000  0.6614  0.7749 -0.2719  0.6325  0.7362  0.6950  0.6973
tel_l    -0.4524 -0.3692  0.5066   -0.4812  0.7630  0.8172  0.6614  1.0000  0.8147 -0.3169  0.7576  0.8075  0.7568  0.7601
ael_l    -0.5508 -0.4548 -0.0311   -0.5926  0.9446  0.6539  0.7749  0.8147  1.0000 -0.3918  0.9345  0.9767  0.9209  0.9244
aev_l     0.2052  0.8669  0.0085    0.3868 -0.3645 -0.2267 -0.2719 -0.3169 -0.3918  1.0000 -0.3725 -0.4685 -0.6699 -0.6874
accpl    -0.6179 -0.4291 -0.0353   -0.6198  0.9761  0.5246  0.6325  0.7576  0.9345 -0.3725  1.0000  0.9425  0.8878  0.8871
acel_l   -0.5770 -0.5049 -0.0111   -0.6009  0.9387  0.6291  0.7362  0.8075  0.9767 -0.4685  0.9425  1.0000  0.9558  0.9516
ewel_l   -0.5358 -0.6644 -0.0182   -0.6130  0.8816  0.5904  0.6950  0.7568  0.9209 -0.6699  0.8878  0.9558  1.0000  0.9901
nel_l    -0.5279 -0.6824 -0.0185   -0.6152  0.8877  0.5926  0.6973  0.7601  0.9244 -0.6874  0.8871  0.9516  0.9901  1.0000
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