Swahili Programming language written over Python Sahil is an Implementation of BASIC programming language using python and swahili lexical terms, It is a sister language of swap(predecessor)
Current State:
- uses a tree structure to do solve simple expressions
- It supports basic BODMAS operations
- variable declaration, initiation and redeclaration
- The use of operators in expressions
- The use of boolean expressions
- Implement the basic control structure using the conditional and iteration statements
- Functions declaration and function calls
- lexer
- parser
- Interpreter
- Variables
- Operators
- Logical operators
- Comparison operators
- Control Structures
- if-else condition
- for and while loop
- Return, Continue and Break
- Functions
- User-made functions
- Built-in functions
- Strings
- multilines statements
- Lists
- Run statements and Comments
Sahil uses a CLI interface, as for now only the Read-evaluate-print-loop(Repl) mode is supported, Repl enable you to interactively execute sahil's code line by line without requiring to write a entire script file