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NVD2STIX generates a STIX bundle of vulnerabilities given a CPE string, a list of CPE strings within a text file, or a custom search query.
Use a CPE string to query the NVD for CVEs
python cpe <cpe_string> <output_file>
Query the NVD using a custom search term
`python search <query query2 ...> <output_file>`
query: Search term to query the NVD (e.g. adobe acrobat reader)
cpe_string: CPE string to be searched (e.g. cpe:2.3:a:ssh:ssh:1.2.6:*:*:*:*:*:*:*)
output_file: STIX file containing created vulnerability objects (e.g. STIXOutput.json)
LAST UPDATED: 7/16/2023 for CISA know exploited vulnerabilities listed! New vulnerabilities need to be added to the csv file