Extremely simple example of a PHP parser for the Discord API
This was made for testing purposes. Feel free to use it for getting inspired. Check out the Discord API Reference for more information about API endpoints.
There's two examples:
This will search for users with the given pattern.
$findUser = _discordCheckIfUserExists($guildId, $nickname, $token);
if (!$findUser) {
echo 'Users with given pattern not found.';
} else {
echo 'Users found.';
Where $guildId is the Id of the Guild, $nickname is the search pattern, and $token is your Bot token.
This will change a user roles.
$changeUserRoles = _discordSetUserRole($guildId, $userId, $roles, $token);
if (!$changeUserRoles) {
echo 'Error while changing user roles.';
} else {
echo 'Roles has been updated successfully.';
Where $guildId is the Id of the Guild, $userId is the user Id, $roles is an array of roles Ids, and $token is your Bot token.