This is test project for ukrnet. Based on specifications.
- Sublime Text 3 (for development);
- TCLAP (Templatized C++ Command Line Parser, included as submodule);
- Tup (build system, included as submodule);
- libfuse-dev (for Tup);
# clone repository
~ $ git clone
~ $ cd ukrnet-test
~ $ git submodule init
~ $ git submodule update
# init tup
tup $ cd thirdparty/tup
tup $ ./
tup $ sudo ln ~/ukrnet-test/thirdparty/tup/tup /usr/bin/tup
# init tclap
tclap $ cd ../tclap
tclap $ ./configure
tclap $ make
tclap $ make install
src $ cd ../../src
src $ tup
# get ready to testing
src $ bin/server &
src $ telnet localhost 11222
set testkey 9
get testkey
VALUE testkey 9
del testkey
del wrongkey
get wrongkey
src $ killall server
# test number paging manager
src $ bin/pages
# test words parser
src $ cat in.txt | bin/words
Some modifications from official memcached protocol specifications.
Process such commands:
- get (key)
- set (key expires? data-length data)
- delete (key)
- string without special symbols and any spaces. Used as data for hasher and integer key in dictionary. data
- any bytes data with .
Server should be able to:
- Work with many clients;
- Process many commands in one client request;
- Store data in memory and file (with
); - Save data to file in
on signalSIGUSR1
catching; - Use c++11 standart;
- Support different client connection execution models;
Command get
Query syntax: get key\r\n
. Servers search this key in map and answer to client in that way: VALUE key size\r\ndata\r\nEND
Command set
Query syntax: set key expires? data-length\r\ndata\r\n
. Server add specified data to map with specified key. Expires is optional parameter, that specified seconds count to store this key-data. If key exists data would be overwrited. Server answer syntax: STORED
if operation has been successful, or EXISTS
if specified key is already exists.
Command del
Query syntax: del key
. Server find specified key in map and delete it. Server ansver syntax: DELETED
if operation has been successful, or NOT_FOUND
if key not found in map.
Usage: server [-f] [-t] [-l <string>] [-p <int>] [--] [--version] [-h]
- Use fork connections execute model; default is unsetted;-t
- Use thread connection execute model; defaul is setted;-l <string>
or--log <string>
- Path to log file; default isserver.log
;-p <int>
or--port <int>
- Port to listen by server socket; default is11222
Application write to output word from input, that contains in specified text file.
Application stores unique numbers, that sorted in descedent order. Application uses file-based binary storage.