Belirlenen bu görevde; sınıflandırma, künye çıkarımı ve metin/bölüm analizi ile metni verilen bir içeriğin kategorisinin, buna bağlı detayları verilmiş üst verileri ve ilgili kategoriler için "madde sayısı"nın tespiti hedeflenmektedir.
Note: Except for the main dataset of the competition, no dataset was used.
We used these packages:
- python3.9
- tensorflow-gpu 2.6.0
- keras 2.6.0
- gensim 4.2.0
For Turkish Word2vec pretrained model, you need to go to this address and download it
If you want to train using notebooks, use this link
# load data, word2vec then preprocess text
import pandas as pd
from gensim.models import KeyedVectors
from text_preprocessing import preprocessing
df = pd.read_csv(data_path)
word_vectors = KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format(word_vectors_path, binary=True)
df["data_text"] = df["data_text"].apply(preprocessing)
# prepare dataset objects using DeepDataset
from dataset import DeepDataset
# We got the best model performance with max_len=64, chunk_size = 300 (if chunk_size>max_len, it will be invalid) and class_weights=True
MAX_LEN = 64
dataset = DeepDataset(df, text_column="data_text", label_column="kategori", chunk_size=CHUNK_SIZE, word_vectors=word_vectors, max_len=MAX_LEN)
# training
from modelling import BiLSTM_Model
from tensorflow.keras.callbacks import EarlyStopping, ModelCheckpoint
# create callbacks
checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint(models_dir + "model_checkpoint.hdf5", monitor='val_accuracy', verbose=1, save_best_only=True, mode='max')
earlystopping = EarlyStopping(monitor="val_accuracy", min_delta=0.001, patience=9, mode="max")
callbacks = [checkpoint, earlystopping]
# build model and start training
model = BiLSTM_Model(epochs=EPOCHS, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, callbacks=callbacks)
model.train(dataset, class_weights=CLASS_WEIGHTS)
Otherwise you can use
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 # gpu/device id: for specific GPUs
--data_path ~/csv_data_path
--w2v_path ~/word2vec_path
--chunk_size 300
--max_len 64
--epochs 80
--batch_size 256
If you want to test using notebooks, you can use this link
# testing
from predict_all import *
# predict kategori using model or regex; details are in src/
kategori_prediction = predict_category(model, word_index, label_dict, max_len, text)
#if kategori is "Kanun Hükmünde Kararname"
rega_no, mukerrer_no, rega_tarihi, mevzuat_no, mevzuat_tarihi, madde_sayisi = extract_kanun_hükmünde_kararname_info(text)
#if kategori is "cumhurbaskanlığı kararnamesi"
rega_no, mukerrer_no, rega_tarihi, mevzuat_no, mevzuat_tarihi, madde_sayisi = extract_cumhurbaskanligi_kararnamesi_info(text)
#if kategori is "Genelge"
mevzuat_tarihi, mevzuat_no, belge_sayi = extract_genelge_info(text)
#if kategori is "Kanun"
rega_no, mukerrer_no, rega_tarihi, mevzuat_tarihi, mevzuat_no, madde_sayisi = extract_kanun_info(text)
#if kategori is "Komisyon Raporu"
sira_no, donem = extract_komisyon_raporu_info(text)
#if kategori is "Resmi Gazete"
rega_no, mukerrer_no, rega_tarihi = extract_resmi_gazete_info(text)
#if kategori is "Tebliğ"
rega_no, mukerrer_no, rega_tarihi = extract_teblig_info(text)
#if kategori is "Tüzük"
rega_no, mukerrer_no, rega_tarihi, mevzuat_no, mevzuat_tarihi, madde_sayisi = extract_tuzuk_info(text)
#if kategori is "Yönetmelik"
rega_no, mukerrer_no, rega_tarihi, madde_sayisi = extract_yonetmelik_info(text)
#if kategori is "Özelge"
mevzuat_tarihi = extract_ozelge_info(text)
or you can run
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 # gpu/device id: for specific GPUs
--model_path # ~/models/model.hdf5
--data_path # ~/word2vec_path
--word_index_path # data/word_index.pkl
--label_dict_path # data/label_dict.pkl