EN: 🌐 Searchable hungarian city list - PHP library
HU: 🌐 Kereshető magyar városlista - PHP könyvtár
Requires PHP 8.3+
composer require igzard/huncity-php
use Igzard\HuncityPhp\CitySearcher;
require __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';
$searcher = new CitySearcher();
$cities = $searcher->find('Bu');
use Igzard\HuncityPhp\CitySearcher;
require __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';
$searcher = (new CitySearcher())->findBy(new Igzard\HuncityPhp\Service\Search\Zipcode());
$zipcodes = $searcher->find('2194');
Szükséges PHP 8.3+
composer require igzard/huncity-php
use Igzard\HuncityPhp\CitySearcher;
require __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';
$searcher = new CitySearcher();
$cities = $searcher->find('Bu');
use Igzard\HuncityPhp\CitySearcher;
require __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';
$searcher = (new CitySearcher())->findBy(new Igzard\HuncityPhp\Service\Search\Zipcode());
$zipcodes = $searcher->find('2194');
If you want to contribute to this project and make it better, your help is very welcome.
🚀 Install dependencies with composer:
make composer-install
✅ Run Code quality check:
make code-quality
👷 Run PHPUnit tests:
make phpunit
🎨 Run php-cs-fixer:
make cs-fix
🔥 Run phpstan:
make phpstan
Huncity PHP was created by Gergely Ignácz under the MIT license.