Tools for scanning, recording and playing RF signals. Made mostly for 433 mhz outlet switches.
Requires wiringPi to compile and run.
Run make
build and make install
to install to /usr/local/bin
Simply outputs all received signals:
Usage: rfscanner [options]
-p <number>, --pin <number> The input (wiringPi) pin number (see
for details, default: 2)
Looks for a pattern in received signals and stores it in a file.
Usage: rfrecorder [options]
-o <path>, --output <path> Specifies the output file path
-p <number>, --pin <number> The input (wiringPi) pin number (see
for details, default: 0)
--buffer-size <size> The size of the input buffer (default: 250)
--record-samples <samples> The number of samples recorded (default: 5)
--record-failures <count> The number of samples not matching previous samples
before discarding all previous samples (default: 2)
Plays a file created by rfrecorder
Usage: rfplayer <filename> [options]
-p <number>, --pin <number> The input (wiringPi) pin number (see
for details, default: 0)
-t <ms>, --playtime <ms> The total playtime in milliseconds (default: 500)