A curated list of awesome Linux containers related technologies inspired by other Awesome lists
- Binctr - Fully static, unprivileged, self-contained, containers as executable binaries (!)
- Bubblewrap
- Charliecloud - Lightweight user-defined software stacks for HPC.
- Docker - Open-source application container engine.
- Fakechroot
- Garden
- Lmctfy - Open source version of Google’s container stack.
- Lxc - Linux containers.
- Nsroot - Minimalist process isolation tool implemented with Linux namespaces.
- Proot - Chroot, mount --bind, and binfmt_misc without privilege/setup.
- Rkt - App Container runtime for Linux.
- Runc
- Shifter - Linux Containers for HPC.
- Singularity - Containers without the container.
- Udocker - Execute simple containers in batch or interactive systems without root privileges.
- Vagga - Containerization tool without daemons.