This project takes data from the Jikan API, processes and cleans it using Pandas and transfers it to two databases: PostgreSQL and MariaDB with SQLAlchemy. For more details about your api, read its documentation. For more details about SQLAlchemy and drivers: documentation. Problems you probably have with databases and SQLAlchemy:
When you install sqlalchemy, restart the session to the jupyter notebook; otherwise it won't work.
When you install psycopg2 on Linux, you may get errors about some packages that you have not installed. Watch these answers on Stackoverflow or this video on Youtube or copy the code in your terminal:
sudo apt install gcc g++ build-essential
sudo apt install python3.8-dev libpq-dev
python3 -m pip install psycopg2
If that doesn't work restart the session to the jupyter notebook
- When you transfer the data frame to the databases, you must have created the databases, not the tables.