A hubot script for Forecast.
As an external script, via npm:
$ npm install hubot-forecast-schedule
Don't forget to update your external-scripts.json accordingly.
Alternatively, you can just copy the scripts/forecast-schedule.js file into your scripts directory.
Ensure you've updated your hubot package.json file and included this script's dependencies. They are listed in the package.json file.
You can find your accountId and authorization token by inspecting any of the Forecast headers. View the forecast-api module for more info.
hubot show forecast projects
hubot show forecast people
hubot show [x day] (schedule|forecast)
hubot show [x day] (schedule|forecast) [for person name]
hubot show [x day] (schedule|forecast) [for project name]
E.g. hubot show forecast projects
E.g. hubot show 3 day schedule for Tony
E.g. hubot show forecast for Project X