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Merge pull request #50 from invenia/rf/handler-hierarchy
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Introduce a Handler hierarchy and DictHandler
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rofinn authored Feb 16, 2023
2 parents ee797f5 + 27e02eb commit 214d355
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Showing 6 changed files with 171 additions and 64 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name = "Checkpoints"
uuid = "b4a3413d-e481-5afc-88ff-bdfbd6a50dce"
authors = "Invenia Technical Computing Corporation"
version = "0.3.20"
version = "0.3.21"

AWSS3 = "1c724243-ef5b-51ab-93f4-b0a88ac62a95"
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22 changes: 11 additions & 11 deletions src/Checkpoints.jl
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Expand Up @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ __init__() = Memento.register(LOGGER)


const CHECKPOINTS = Dict{String, Union{Nothing, String, Handler}}()
const CHECKPOINTS = Dict{String, Union{Nothing, String, AbstractHandler}}()
@contextvar CONTEXT_TAGS::Tuple{Vararg{Pair{Symbol, Any}}} = Tuple{}()

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ available() = collect(keys(CHECKPOINTS))
Returns a vector of all enabled ([`config`](@ref)ured) and not [`deprecate`](@ref)d checkpoints.
Use [`deprecated_checkpoints`](@ref) to retrieve a mapping of old / deprecated checkpoints.
enabled_checkpoints() = filter(k -> CHECKPOINTS[k] isa Handler, available())
enabled_checkpoints() = filter(k -> CHECKPOINTS[k] isa AbstractHandler, available())

deprecated_checkpoints() -> Dict{String, String}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -130,31 +130,31 @@ function checkpoint(prefix::Union{Module, String}, name::String, args...; tags..

config(handler::Handler, labels::Vector{String})
config(handler::Handler, prefix::String)
config(handler::AbstractHandler, labels::Vector{String})
config(handler::AbstractHandler, prefix::String)
config(labels::Vector{String}, args...; kwargs...)
config(prefix::String, args...; kwargs...)
Configures the specified checkpoints with a `Handler`.
If the first argument is not a `Handler` then all `args` and `kwargs` are passed to a
`Handler` constructor for you.
Configures the specified checkpoints with a `AbstractHandler`.
If the first argument is not an `AbstractHandler` then all `args` and `kwargs` are
passed to a `JLSOHandler` constructor for you.
function config(handler::Handler, names::Vector{String})
function config(handler::AbstractHandler, names::Vector{String})
for n in names
_config(handler, n)

function config(handler::Handler, prefix::Union{Module, String})
function config(handler::AbstractHandler, prefix::Union{Module, String})
config(handler, filter(l -> startswith(l, prefix), available()))

function config(names::Vector{String}, args...; kwargs...)
config(Handler(args...; kwargs...), names)
config(JLSOHandler(args...; kwargs...), names)

function config(prefix::Union{Module, String}, args...; kwargs...)
config(Handler(args...; kwargs...), prefix)
config(JLSOHandler(args...; kwargs...), prefix)

# To avoid collisions with `prefix` method above, which should probably use
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/deprecated.jl
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Expand Up @@ -11,3 +11,5 @@ function checkpoint_deprecation(tags...)

Base.@deprecate_binding Handler JLSOHandler
125 changes: 86 additions & 39 deletions src/handler.jl
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@@ -1,56 +1,82 @@
struct Handler{P<:AbstractPath}
settings # Could be Vector or Pairs on 0.6 or 1.0 respectively
abstract type AbstractHandler end

Handler(path::Union{String, AbstractPath}; kwargs...)
Handler(bucket::String, prefix::String; kwargs...)
getkey(handler, name, separator="/") -> String
Handles iteratively saving JLSO file to the specified path location.
FilePath are used to abstract away differences between paths on S3 or locally.
Combine the `CONTEXT_TAGS` and `name` into a unique checkpoint key as a string.
If the checkpoint name includes `.`, usually representing nested modules, these are
also replaced with the provided separator.
Handler(path::AbstractPath; kwargs...) = Handler(path, kwargs)
Handler(path::String; kwargs...) = Handler(Path(path), kwargs)
Handler(bucket::String, prefix::String; kwargs...) = Handler(S3Path("s3://$bucket/$prefix"), kwargs)
function getkey(::AbstractHandler, name::String, separator="/")::String
prefix = ["$key=$val" for (key, val) in CONTEXT_TAGS[]]
parts = split(name, '.') # Split up the name by '.'
return Base.join(vcat(prefix, parts), separator)

path(handler, name)
path(args...) = Path(getkey(args...))

Determines the path to save to based on the handlers path prefix, name, and context.
Tags are used to dynamically prefix the named file with the handler's path.
Names with a '.' separators will be used to form subdirectories
(e.g., "" will be saved to "\$prefix/Foo/bar/x.jlso").
function path(handler::Handler{P}, name::String) where P
prefix = ["$key=$val" for (key,val) in CONTEXT_TAGS[]]
stage!(handler::AbstractHandler, objects, data::Dict{Symbol})
# Split up the name by '.' and add the jlso extension
parts = split(name, '.')
parts[end] = string(parts[end], ".jlso")
Update the objects with the new data.
By default all handlers assume objects implements the associative interface.
function stage!(handler::AbstractHandler, objects, data::Dict{Symbol})
for (k, v) in data
objects[k] = v

return join(handler.path, prefix..., parts...)
return objects

stage!(handler::Handler, jlso::JLSOFIle, data::Dict{Symbol})
commit!(handler, prefix, objects)
Update the JLSOFile with the new data.
Serialize and write objects to a given path/prefix/key as defined by the handler.
function stage!(handler::Handler, jlso::JLSO.JLSOFile, data::Dict{Symbol})
for (k, v) in data
jlso[k] = v

Define our no-op conditions just to be safe
function checkpoint(handler::Nothing, name::String, data::Dict{Symbol}; tags...)
with_checkpoint_tags(tags...) do
debug(LOGGER, "Checkpoint $name triggered, but no handler has been set.")

return jlso

struct JLSOHandler{P<:AbstractPath} <: AbstractHandler
settings # Could be Vector or Pairs on 0.6 or 1.0 respectively

commit!(handler, path, jlso)
JLSOHandler(path::Union{String, AbstractPath}; kwargs...)
JLSOHandler(bucket::String, prefix::String; kwargs...)
Handles iteratively saving JLSO file to the specified path location.
FilePath are used to abstract away differences between paths on S3 or locally.
JLSOHandler(path::AbstractPath; kwargs...) = JLSOHandler(path, kwargs)
JLSOHandler(path::String; kwargs...) = JLSOHandler(Path(path), kwargs)
JLSOHandler(bucket::String, prefix::String; kwargs...) = JLSOHandler(S3Path("s3://$bucket/$prefix"), kwargs)

Write the JLSOFile to the path as bytes.
function commit!(handler::Handler{P}, path::P, jlso::JLSO.JLSOFile) where P <: AbstractPath
path(handler, name)
Determines the path to save to based on the handlers path prefix, name, and context.
Tags are used to dynamically prefix the named file with the handler's path.
Names with a '.' separators will be used to form subdirectories
(e.g., "" will be saved to "\$prefix/Foo/bar/x.jlso").
function path(handler::JLSOHandler{P}, name::String) where P
return join(handler.path, getkey(handler, name) * ".jlso")

function commit!(handler::JLSOHandler{P}, path::P, jlso::JLSO.JLSOFile) where P <: AbstractPath
# NOTE: This is only necessary because FilePathsBase.FileBuffer needs to support
# write(::FileBuffer, ::UInt8)
Expand All @@ -61,7 +87,7 @@ function commit!(handler::Handler{P}, path::P, jlso::JLSO.JLSOFile) where P <: A
write(path, bytes)

function checkpoint(handler::Handler, name::String, data::Dict{Symbol}; tags...)
function checkpoint(handler::JLSOHandler, name::String, data::Dict{Symbol}; tags...)
with_checkpoint_tags(tags...) do
debug(LOGGER, "Checkpoint $name triggered, with context: $(join(CONTEXT_TAGS[], ", ")).")
Expand All @@ -72,13 +98,34 @@ function checkpoint(handler::Handler, name::String, data::Dict{Symbol}; tags...)

Define our no-op conditions just to be safe
function checkpoint(handler::Nothing, name::String, data::Dict{Symbol}; tags...)
Saves checkpointed objects into a dictionary where the keys are strings generated from
the checkpoint tags and name.
struct DictHandler <: AbstractHandler
objects::Dict{String, Dict}

DictHandler(; objects=Dict{String, Dict}(), force=false) = DictHandler(objects, force)

function commit!(handler::DictHandler, k::AbstractString, data)
if handler.force
return setindex!(handler.objects, data, k)
res = get!(handler.objects, k, data)
isequal(res, data) || throw(ArgumentError("$k has already been stored"))
return res

function checkpoint(handler::DictHandler, name::String, data::Dict{Symbol}; tags...)
# TODO: Remove duplicate wrapper code
with_checkpoint_tags(tags...) do
debug(LOGGER, "Checkpoint $name triggered, but no handler has been set.")
debug(LOGGER, "Checkpoint $name triggered, with context: $(join(CONTEXT_TAGS[], ", ")).")
commit!(handler, getkey(handler, name), data)
38 changes: 25 additions & 13 deletions src/session.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
struct Session{H<:Union{Nothing, Handler}}
struct Session{H<:Union{Nothing, AbstractHandler}}
Expand All @@ -8,11 +8,7 @@ function Session(name::String)
# Create our objects dictionary which defaults to returning
# an empty JLSOFile
handler = CHECKPOINTS[name]

objects = DefaultDict{AbstractPath, JLSO.JLSOFile}() do
JLSO.JLSOFile(Dict{Symbol, Vector{UInt8}}(); handler.settings...)

objects = session_objects(handler)
Session{typeof(handler)}(name, handler, objects)

Expand All @@ -34,29 +30,45 @@ function Session(f::Function, prefix::Union{Module, String}, names::Vector{Strin
Session(f, map(n -> "$prefix.$n", names))

function session_objects(handler)
return DefaultDict{AbstractString, Dict}() do
Dict{Symbol, Any}()

function session_objects(handler::JLSOHandler)
return DefaultDict{AbstractPath, JLSO.JLSOFile}() do
JLSO.JLSOFile(Dict{Symbol, Vector{UInt8}}(); handler.settings...)

Write all staged JLSOFiles to the respective paths.
Write all staged objects to the respective keys.
function commit!(session::Session)
# No-ops skip when handler is nothing
session.handler === nothing && return nothing

for (p, jlso) in session.objects
commit!(session.handler, p, jlso)
for (k, v) in session.objects
commit!(session.handler, k, v)

function checkpoint(session::Session, data::Dict{Symbol}; tags...)
with_checkpoint_tags(tags...) do
handler = session.handler
name =
K = keytype(session.objects)

# No-ops skip when handler is nothing
session.handler === nothing && return nothing
handler === nothing && return nothing

p = path(session.handler,
jlso = session.objects[p]
session.objects[p] = stage!(session.handler, jlso, data)
# Our handler may not always be storing data in filepaths
k = K <: AbstractPath ? path(handler, name) : getkey(handler, name)
session.objects[k] = stage!(handler, session.objects[k], data)

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46 changes: 46 additions & 0 deletions test/runtests.jl
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Expand Up @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ using Test
using AWS: AWSConfig
using AWSS3: S3Path, s3_put, s3_list_buckets, s3_create_bucket
using Tables: Tables
using Checkpoints: JLSOHandler, DictHandler

@everywhere using Checkpoints
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -256,5 +257,50 @@ Distributed.addprocs(5)
@test data[:data] == b

# We're largely reusing the same code for different handlers, but make sure
# that saving to a dict also works.
@testset "DictHandler" begin
a = Dict(zip(
map(x -> Symbol(randstring(4)), 1:10),
map(x -> rand(10), 1:10)
b = rand(10)
handler = DictHandler()
objects = handler.objects
Checkpoints.config(handler, "TestPkg")

@test isempty(handler.objects), y)
@test haskey(objects, "TestPkg/foo")
@test issetequal(keys(objects["TestPkg/foo"]), [:x, :y])
@test objects["TestPkg/foo"][:x] == x
@test objects["TestPkg/foo"][:y] == y
@test haskey(objects, "date=2017-01-01/TestPkg/bar")
@test objects["date=2017-01-01/TestPkg/bar"][:data] == b

@test haskey(objects, "TestPkg/baz")
@test objects["TestPkg/baz"] == a

TestPkg.qux(a, b)
@test haskey(objects, "TestPkg/qux_a")
@test objects["TestPkg/qux_a"] == a

@test haskey(objects, "TestPkg/qux_b")
@test objects["TestPkg/qux_b"][:data] == b

# Test that rerunning a function and overwriting a checkpoint fails by default
@test_throws ArgumentError, rand(10, 10))

# Retry after setting `force=true`
handler = DictHandler(; objects=objects, force=true)
Checkpoints.config(handler, "TestPkg"), rand(10, 10))
@test objects["TestPkg/foo"][:x] == x
@test objects["TestPkg/foo"][:y] != y

2 comments on commit 214d355

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@rofinn rofinn commented on 214d355 Feb 16, 2023

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