A boilerplate for minikube, with weaveworks flux and two traefik's managing both incoming ingress and internal kubernetes traffic (path redirection).
You can configure it for your own needs and start build scalable services.
Known problems:
- it misses a way to rename kubernetes developer namespace - plan to fix later.
- images below are not aligned.
Prerequisites: have a working version of minikube on your workstation.
# deploy kubernetes ingress controller
kubectl apply -f 01-k8s-traefik-ingress
# create developer namespace
kubectl apply -f 02-k8s-namespace
# edit flux deployment and add your own repo / branch
kubectl apply -f 03-k8s-flux-deploy
# optional if you do not want to use flux
# kubectl apply -f 04-k8s-proxy-traefik-ingress
# update your workstation Host Database and route
# traffic to minikube host instead of querying a DNS.
echo "$(minikube ip) traefik-ui.minikube" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
echo "$(minikube ip) reliability-pp.minikube" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
echo "$(minikube ip) reliability-pp-proxyapi.minikube" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
echo "$(minikube ip) reliability-pp-flux.minikube" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
# fluxctl has to be installed in order to work
fluxctl list-controllers --url http://reliability-pp-flux.minikube/api/flux --namespace reliability-pp
reliability-pp:deployment/flux flux quay.io/weaveworks/flux:1.4.2 ready
reliability-pp:deployment/memcached memcached memcached:1.4.25 ready
reliability-pp:deployment/reliability-proxy proxy traefik:v1.6.5-alpine ready
Flux is configured to connect to this repository, on the dev branch.
Manages all traffic received by kubernetes. If it corresponds to a rule it is forwarded to a service. In current case, the second traefik deployment, if it does not have any rules it will respond with 404s.
Manages all traffic received for a cname, if it has a rule for the received path, traffic will get fw-ed to the service, if not you get 404s.