iOS WeatherApp
is copy design from Apple Weather App
uses Openweathermap API and build with SwiftUI. Feature this app same with apple weather like get current weather & details, get hourly forecast weather and get daily forecast. But detail not fully same because limited feature free plan from Openweathermap API.
- SwiftUI
- JSON & Codable
- ObservableObject
- A valid API key from Openweathermap
- A Mac running macOS Catalina
- Xcode 11.3.1
- Clone or download the project to your local machine
- Open the project in Xcode
- Replace
with your valid Openweathermap API key inOpenweathermapAPIClient.swift
class OpenweathermapClient {
private let apiKey = "YOURAPIKEY"
- Replace
with your city want to use inWeatherViewModel.swift
you can download list city json in here
class WeatherViewModel: ObservableObject {
private let cityId = "1627459"
- Run the simulator
Apple amazing library SwiftUI
Open API from OpenWeatherMap
Inspiring project from Weather-SwiftUI