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Martin Persson edited this page Jun 6, 2021 · 2 revisions

Getting started with the iSH app itself

If you do not want to compile the project from source, you can get iSH on the App Store or join the TestFlight Beta! It's free and gives you an instant download of the app.

In iSH

iSH running on an iPhone

When you have iSH on your device, you can open it. You'll be greeted with the terminal. Here are some important tips:

  • iSH uses the Alpine Package Manager, apk. You may have to run apk update to fetch the Alpine repository list.
  • When Alpine is up-to-date, you can search for a program with apk search <name> and install it with apk add <name>.
  • Above the keyboard you can see the Accessory View, and it contains crucial buttons. Starting from the left, the buttons are tab, control, escape, arrow keys, settings, paste and hiding the keyboard (which, was formerly more formally known as the black down pointed triangle). These added keys will help you navigate around.

iSH's keyboard additions


Some questions may be answered on the FAQ page. If the question isn't mentioned or you want to directly ask the developers a question, feel free to join the Discord or create an issue.

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