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A unit testing framework for C++ that includes:

  • Test running
  • Test specification
  • Expectations
  • Mocking

The heavy usage of macros takes inspiration from Google Test. Although the implementation is different, the interface for creating tests and mocking has similaries to gtest and gmock.

Example Usage

You can take a look at the automation tests under the /Tests directory for the most up-to-date self-documentation. But here are some test usages if you don't want to do that:

class SomeInterface
    virtual int SomeMethod() = 0;
    virtual int SomeOtherMethod() = 0;
    virtual bool SomeBoolMethod() = 0;
    virtual std::string SomeStringMethod() = 0;

class MockImplementation : public SomeInterface
    MOCK_METHOD(int, SomeMethod)
    MOCK_METHOD(int, SomeOtherMethod)
    MOCK_METHOD(bool, SomeBoolMethod)
    MOCK_METHOD(std::string, SomeStringMethod)

S_TEST(MyTestSuite, MyTest)
    MockImplementation mockImplementation;
    ON_CALL(mockImplementation, SomeMethod).WillByDefault([]() { return 5; });
    S_EXPECT_EQ(mockImplementation.SomeMethod(), 5);

    ON_CALL(mockImplementation, SomeOtherMethod).WillByDefault([]() { return 6; });
    S_EXPECT_EQ(mockImplementation.SomeOtherMethod(), 6);

    ON_CALL(mockImplementation, SomeBoolMethod).WillByDefault([]() { return true; });
    ON_CALL(mockImplementation, SomeBoolMethod).WillByDefault([]() { return false; });

    ON_CALL(mockImplementation, SomeStringMethod).WillByDefault([]() { return "Hello"; });
    S_EXPECT_STREQ(mockImplementation.SomeStringMethod().c_str(), "Hello");


You will need to following dependencies:


sudo apt-get install libxrandr-dev
sudo apt-get install libxtst-dev

cd SahlTestingFramework
cmake -B build
cmake --build build

# Run tests to make sure everything is working
cd build
ctest --extra-verbose