I only added the courses and paths that I am interested in. To see all the content, visit the site. Also, the notes that I took during the courses are exclusive to me. They are not created with the motivation of creating a learning resource for people.
- Complete Intro to Web Development, v2
- Getting Started with CSS
- Getting Started with JavaScript, v2
- JavaScript: From Fundamentals to Functional JS, v2
- Website Accessibility, v2
- Introduction to Dev Tools, v3
- Modern Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
- Getting a Front-End Developer Job
- Interviewing for Front-End Engineers
- JavaScript: The Hard Parts, v2
- Deep JavaScript Foundations, v3
- Complete Intro to React, v7
- Web Performance Fundamentals
- CSS Grid & Flexbox for Responsive Layouts, v2
- Full Stack for Front-End Engineers, v2
- TypeScript Fundamentals, v3
- Functional JavaScript First Steps
- Redux Fundamentals (feat. React)
- Build Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) from Scratch
- Introduction to Next.js
- Introduction to Gatsby, v2
- Design for Developers
- SVG Essentials & Animation, v2
- Complete Front-End Project: Build a Game
- Design Systems with React & Storybook
- JavaScript: The New Hard Parts
- JavaScript Performance
- Functional-Light JavaScript, v3
- State Machines in JavaScript with XState, v2
- Git In-depth
- Web Assembly (Wasm)
- Hardcore Functional Programming in JavaScript, v2
- Developer Productivity
- Asynchronous Programming in JavaScript (with Rx.js Observables)
- Complete Intro to Real-Time
- Exploring Service Workers
- Dynamic CSS with Custom Properties (aka CSS Variables)
- JavaScript and TypeScript Monorepos
- Building Your Own Programming Language
- Web Security
- Enterprise Architecture Patterns
- Hardcore Functional Architecture Patterns in JavaScript
- Complete Intro to Computer Science
- A Practical Guide to Algorithms with JavaScript
- Introduction to Data Structures for Interviews
- Tree and Graph Data Structures
- Web Assembly (Wasm)
- Functional JavaScript First Steps
- Functional-Light JavaScript, v3
- Full Stack for Front-End Engineers, v2
- Complete Intro to Databases
- Complete Intro to Linux and the Command-Line
- VIM Fundamentals
- Introduction to Node.js, v2
- API Design in Node.js, v3
- AWS For Front-End Engineers, v2
- Complete Intro to Containers (feat. Docker)
- Developer Productivity
- Git In-depth
- Introduction to Next.js
- Server-Side GraphQL in Node.js
- JavaScript and TypeScript Monorepos
- Introduction to Serverless Functions
- Complete Intro to Real-Time
- Web Security
- JavaScript: From Fundamentals to Functional JS, v2
- JavaScript: The Hard Parts, v2
- Deep JavaScript Foundations, v3
- JavaScript: The Recent Parts
- JavaScript: The New Hard Parts
- Functional-Light JavaScript, v3
- Hardcore Functional Programming in JavaScript, v2
- Accessibility in JavaScript Applications
- TypeScript Fundamentals, v3
- JavaScript Performance
- The Hard Parts of Object Oriented JavaScript
- JavaScript Testing Practices and Principles
- Debugging and Fixing Common JavaScript Errors
- Code Transformation and Linting with ASTs
- Getting Started with CSS
- CSS Grid & Flexbox for Responsive Layouts, v2
- SVG Essentials & Animation, v2
- Advanced CSS Layouts
- Dynamic CSS with Custom Properties (aka CSS Variables)
- Design for Developers
- CSS In-Depth, v2
- Design Systems with React & Storybook
- Sass Fundamentals
- Motion Design with CSS
- Responsive Web Typography v2
- Scalable Modular Architecture for CSS (SMACSS)
- Introduction to Node.js, v2
- The Hard Parts of Servers & Node.js
- Digging Into Node.js
- API Design in Node.js, v3
- Server-Side GraphQL in Node.js
- Full Stack for Front-End Engineers, v2
- Complete Intro to Real-Time
- Introduction to MongoDB
- Introduction to Next.js
- Production-Grade Next.js
- JavaScript Testing Practices and Principles
- Advanced GraphQL, v2
- Complete Intro to React, v7
- Intermediate React, v4
- State Management in Pure React, v2
- React and TypeScript
- Redux Fundamentals (feat. React)
- Introduction to Next.js
- Introduction to Gatsby, v2
- Client-Side GraphQL in React
- State Modeling in React with XState
- Design Systems with React & Storybook
- React Native, v2
- Intermediate React Native
- Introduction to Vue 3
- Building Applications with Vue & Nuxt
- Production-Grade Vue.js
- Vuex for Intermediate Vue.js Developers
- Advanced Vue.js Features from the Ground Up
- TypeScript Fundamentals, v3
- Intermediate TypeScript
- Making TypeScript Stick
- Production-Grade TypeScript
- React and TypeScript
- JavaScript and TypeScript Monorepos
- Intermediate React, v4
- Fullstack TypeScript (feat. GraphQL & Node.js)
- Functional JavaScript First Steps
- The Hard Parts of Functional JavaScript
- Functional-Light JavaScript, v3
- Hardcore Functional Programming in JavaScript, v2
- Hardcore Functional Architecture Patterns in JavaScript
- Redux Fundamentals (feat. React)
- Introduction to Elm, v2
- Advanced Elm
- Webpack 4 Fundamentals
- Web Performance with Webpack
- Webpack Plugins System
- JavaScript and TypeScript Monorepos
- JavaScript: The New Hard Parts
- Rx.js Fundamentals
- Asynchronous Programming in JavaScript (with Rx.js Observables)
- Advanced Asynchronous JavaScript
- Rethinking Asynchronous JavaScript
- Functional-Light JavaScript, v3