A (very) lightweight MS Office files reader
This simple bash script needs libreoffice installed and has zathura pdf reader as optional dependence
At work I often need to open doc, docx, ppt, pptx files in read only mode. I hate libreoffice interface with all those buttons (useless if I just need to view file content), and I hate presentation mode, because it forces fullscreen mode and I want the freedom to open Office files in a "normal" window, considering that I have a tiling wm.
So... I created this trivial script that can be used as default PDF/DOC/DOCX/ODF/PPT/PPTX/etc reader. It just:
- converts the argument file to pdf using libreoffice embedded converter (soffice --converto-to);
- open it with zathura (a very very VERY lightweight PDF reader) or if it's not installed with user's favourite app.
Note: If you don't have zathura installed and you want to adopt another PDF reader (which I don't recommend, nothing IMO fits this script better than zathura), please the first time you use the script execute it from terminal, so that you can select your favourite one; otherwise you can just open the script with a text editor and set it as $reader.
Feel free to use and edit :)
- accepts multiple file
- code clean up
- uses zathura --fork