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Tim Kurdov edited this page May 6, 2024 · 7 revisions

The symbols after the parameter names denote how many times must a parameter be provided:

  • (1) - Exactly once;
  • (*) - 0 or more;
  • (+) - 1 or more;
  • (?) - 0 or 1


<$template name=CODE acceptsChildren>
    <div class=code>
            <$children raw />

Expands to the children provided to the currently expanded template, thus forbidden outside of <$template>


  • raw (?): Do not process the children, paste them verbatim.

Children: none


<$foreach $POST in dir=posts>
    <div class=post>
        <a href=$POST>Post $index</a>

Iterates a directory and expands to its children for every encountered file.
On every iteration sets the variable index to the number of the current iteration, starting from 0

Parameters (exactly in the specified order):

  • $VAR_NAME (1): The variable which will have the path to the file on the current step of the iteration.
  • in (1): Just a separator for more readability.
  • dir=path (1): path is the directory to be iterated over.

Children: required


<$lua>"compiled at %c")</$lua>

An alternative syntax for $(), evaluates the Lua code in its children.

Parameters: none
Children: required


Disables any pre-processing of its children, which will be escaped as HTML.

Allows passing attributes to replace <$raw> with another element.
The following snippet:

<$raw code class=code><$lua>"Hello, World"</$lua></$raw>

Will expand to the following:

<code class="code">&lt;$lua&gt;"Hello, World"&lt;/$lua&gt;</code>


  • name attrs... (?): replace $raw with name as the element name and keep attrs... in it.

Children: optional


<$ref processed $JS="index.js" />

Manually register an asset & assign the path to it (unchanged) to a Lua variable.
Keep in mind that if the asset is mentioned in an HTML element's attribute, this is unnecessary.


  • $VAR_NAME=path (1): Register path as an asset and assign path to the variable VAR_NAME. path must resolve to the path to a local file.
  • raw (?): Enforce that the asset is not processed as a template file. Mutually exclusive with processed.
  • processed (?): Enforce that the asset is processed as a template file. Mutually exclusive with raw.

If neither raw nor processed are specified, processing mode of the asset is the determined by its file extension. See the "Assets" section for more information on this.

Children: none


<$registerProcessedExt js />

Registers a file extension, the files with which will be processed as template files.


  • ext (1): ext will be the new processed file extension, it must not contain the initial dot.

Children: none


<$template name=BODY acceptsChildren $title="Insert text">
    <div class=fg>
        <$children />

Define a new template.


  • name=name (1): name is the name of the template.
  • acceptsChildren (?): If provided, the template will optionally accept children, otherwise it'll reject them.
  • $ARG_NAME (*): ARG_NAME is a required parameter to the template, and will be a variable while the template is expanded.
  • $ARG_NAME=default (*): ARG_NAME is an optional parameter to the template, and will be a variable while the template is expanded. If not provided, it'll be assigned the value default.

Children: optional

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