Setup easy and fast nginx and php for a website
The installer is going to setup latest stable version of nginx and ask you for the desired php version
git clone
cd site-manager
If you want to install more versions of php you can safely run the installer again.
Creates system user, website root, logs and webroot directories, nginx and php-fpm configurations
site-manager create [domain.tld] [min-fpm-workers: number] [max-fpm-workers: number] [display-errors: on|off]
Deletes nginx and php-fpm configurations and optionally deletes the system user and website files
site-manager delete [domain.tld]
Enables nginx virtual host and php-fpm workers
site-manager enable [domain.tld]
Disables nginx virtual host and php-fpm workers
site-manager disable [domain.tld]
Change the php version of the website
site-manager php [domain.tld]
If you want to change the default behavior you can create a configuration file at /etc/site_manager
or ~/.site_manager
. The configuration from your home directory takes priority.
Available configuration variables
# Location where all sites will be created
# Location of the web root
# Full website path is ${SITES_DIR}/${DOMAIN}/${PUBLIC_DIR}
# Default max php-fpm workers used when not specified
# Default min php-fpm workers used
# Control error displaying: on|off
# Logs location