This repository contains an implementation of the Coordinator pattern for SwiftUI, providing a structured way to manage complex navigation flows, including handling both navigation stacks and modal presentations.
The Coordinator pattern helps manage navigation in a more structured and maintainable way by centralizing navigation logic. This implementation includes support for:
Navigation Stack: Navigate between different screens in a push/pop style. Modal Presentation: Present modals, including entire navigation flows inside modal views.
final class SomeCoordinator: NavigationModalCoordinator {
// Enum to define the screens that can be navigated to
enum Screen: ScreenProtocol {
case screen1
case screen2
case screen3
// Define destination views for each screen
func destination(for screen: Screen) -> some View {
switch screen {
case .screen1: Screen1View()
case .screen2: Screen2View()
case .screen3: Screen3View()
// Enum to define modal flows that can be presented
enum ModalFlow: ModalProtocol {
case modalScreen1
case modalFlow(ChildCoordinator = .init())
// Define destination views for each modal flow
func destination(for flow: ModalFlow) -> some View {
switch flow {
case .modalScreen1: Modal1View()
case .modalFlow(let coordinator): coordinator.view(for: .rootScreen)
You can use the coordinator to push views onto the navigation stack or present modals.
Displaying a screen as the root view:
coordinator.view(for: .screen1)
Pushing a new screen onto the navigation stack:
Presenting a modal flow:
You can access the current coordinator inside any view by injecting it as an environment object:
@EnvironmentObject var coordinator: Navigation<SomeCoordinator>
This allows you to trigger navigation actions directly from views, maintaining a clean and decoupled architecture.
Ilya Kuznetsov –
Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE
for more information.