This module makes your actions available in all templates that have access to oxViewConf
This module will be obsolete with OXID eShop v6 as it will have this buildin:
- Copy "copy_this" into your shop root directory.
- empty /tmp directory.
- activate the module under "Erweiterungen->Module->Ivo Bathke: ActionEverywhere".
- clear the cache
- UTF-8
- PHP >= 5.6
- Oxid eShop >= CE 4.9.0
Create a new action, give it an id and title and assign some products.
Then in template fetch the products from the action:
[{if $oViewConf->getActionArticles('neue-aktion')|@count > 0}]
[{assign var="myActionArticles" value=$oViewConf->getActionArticles('neue-aktion') }]
[{include file="widget/product/list.tpl" type=grid head=$oViewConf->getActionTitle('neue-aktion') listId="myAction" products=$myActionArticles showMainLink=true}]
- dont allow to change ids of standard actions like 'oxnewest'