the first opengl project, it's time to do some proper graphics (Vulkan later).
I have decided to move this project entirely into a different repository as this repository already holds 3 different folders with different "projects/aims" & this structure for a repository is obviously wrong, so I just got a triangle boilerplate done with some very big backend refactors since I didnt like how my render loop & structure was back then. The continuation repos for this project plan is below!
WebGL 1.0 Hello World Triangle Boilerplate Project:
Voxxer Project Continuation:
- Have nodejs & npm
- Download nodejs & npm (nvm is better than using nodejs installer!)
- nvm (use nvm to download nodejs!) >
- nodejs (I suggest use nvm to install nodejs!) >
- npm >
- Check if you downloaded them properly by doing the below:
node -v
npm -v
- Enter the correct directory WebGL-Trial/webgl-main
- Install dependencies using
npm i
in your terminal - Run & start the project using
npm run dev
in terminal again - The website should automatically open on
! (Check the terminal incase its a different port! If it is taken Vite will automatically try the next available port.)
I will list what I used, just incase for anyone wondering what I used/platform choice to make this project.
- Mac (Sonoma 14) & Windows 10
- Visual Studio Code / Cursor
- npm version
npm -v
10.8.2 - node version
node -v
v20.17.0 - nvm version
nvm -v
- Typescript
- For obvious reasons.
- Vite
- Vite fixed many issues I had previously.
- WebGL
- Make sure your browser/machine supports WebGL!
- Old/Previous Packages (IGNORE THIS)
- Was using lite-server & watcher (replaced by vite).
- Pre-pre-requsite note, please if you are on windows just use a cmdprompt terminal in VSC & not powershell, for some reason powershell was auto defaulted for me & it made things worse.
- Pre-requsites have nodejs & npm check by doing:
- mac/terminal >
node -v && npm -v
- windows/powershell >
node -v ; npm -v
- windows/cmdprompt >
node -v && npm -v
- mac/terminal >
- Install typescript compiler globally via npm
npm install -g typescript
- Compile typescript code
tsc filename.ts
- Run compiled javascript code
node filename.js
converts your TS to JS & ultimately we just run the JS file, you can do all this with just this 1 command that just merges the two together, check below:- mac/terminal >
tsc filename.ts && node filename.js
- windows/powershell >
tsc.cmd filename.ts ; node filename.js
- windows/cmdprompt >
tsc filename.ts && node filename.js
- mac/terminal >
- MDN Docs
- MDN Docs - Learn full web development from scratch
- I'm going to use GPT to help me clarify shit while learning some of the topics below + I will need it especially when doing matrix multiplication & when I need an explanation on what happens when an object goes through 50 transformation calcs lmfao
- Important things to learn!
- WebGL Resources
- MDN Docs - Web GL This resource is insanely good (Just my personal opinion, above 2 are suggested heavily by seasoned graphics engineers!)
- WebGPU Resources (Advanced / Later on)
- JS/TS Resources
- I heard MDN docs isn't "good" for learning JS/TS it's best for references, but they do have resources (I won't be listing them here!), I'm not sure of what is a popular good resource in this area (JS/TS) unlike my expertise in other fields but I will try to list what I have seen suggested by strong web developers in specializations I have delved into the past.
- learn-js / learn-ts
- Codecademy-js / Codecademy-ts
- freecodecamp/learn-js&ts I have seen this as popularly suggested as the above resource!
- a very good website for typescript related docs & learning ts in general!
- theodinproject-js popular suggestions I have seen multiple times about learning javascript!
- Hosting Notes (Ignore):
- Was looking into hosting services and found this, its a nice website! >
- Used Netlify and it was really fast to setup. Just drag & drop the built project dist files into the host service & thats it! You can get the dist file by doing
npm run build
and the dist file will be created.
Additionally, I will learn a few JS/TS concepts over making a simple WebGL project, & important concepts below.
- Stencil JS Project
- Web Components API
- Need to relearn important things related to web DOM & Components in a web project.
Very important, I will write this out once I fully/almost understand everything in the pipeline.
This is here to list important topics & showcase some things I went through whilst learning CG & WebGL!
I want to make this clear, but im trying to learn more about CG rather than WebGL right now, since if you know CG you will adapt to any graphics specification!
- Projections!
- Prespective Projection - Brendan Galea take on Perspective Projection | ScratchAPixel
- Orthographic centering calculation - |
- Model View Projection Matrix
- Homogenous Coordinates
- Important Linear Algebra + Matrix Concepts in CG!
- The list below is things I didn't want to put separately on top of this section, but needed to be mentioned.
- Matrix Multiplication
- Translation, Rotation, Scale Matricies / Homogenous Coordinates / Matrix Order
- Column Major Order vs Row Major Order
- Matrix Inverse (No need to go in deep but try to understand this concept for the camera!)
- Following the guide of WebGL Fundamentals on
- Showcasing my progress through the guide. I'm mostly going by order but sometimes I skip around.
I stopped here & will be continuing on the Voxxer project here >