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Peacock is a micro-framework for terminal applications, written in Python3. Through the use of its classes and decorators, it allows you to quickly and easily build terminal apps with color and rich interactivity, such as
- Interactive menus
- Progress bars
- Custom key-bindings
For now, the easiest way to set up Peacock, is to create a virtualenv, and clone this repo directly into the site-packages directory i.e.
virtualenv peacock
git clone https://github.com/jamesmcnamara/peacock.git peacock/libs/python3.4/site-packages/peacock
Don't worry, I'm working on getting distributable version into PyPI.
Currently, Peacock only supports Python3 on OS X, however, it may work unmodified on *Nix sysems, it simply must be tested.
Python 2 support is coming, and possibly Windows in the future.
Peacock uses a Flask-style of interaction. Here's a very simple text-editing peacock app, with some custom key-binding:
from peacock import Peacock, format
app = Peacock()
file_name = "/tmp/scratch.txt"
# The app.on function is used to create decorators that bind
# behavior to key-sequences
def open_file(*args):
global file_name
file_name = app.read("What file should I open?")
def transpose_line(cur_line, x):
# Each key-handler is passed the current line's text,
# and the current cursor position in that line
transposed_line = cur_line[x:] + cur_line[:x]
Documentation of the public APIs for each module is included in the README for each module.