BigClive SuperComputer with regular leds and a rp2040 and more!
Software version of the BigClive SuperComputer
(click the image below to see a 90 second cycle from youtube
-- you can speed it up to get the entire 90 seconds as the patterns change)
Update: Nov 26, 2021 - v20
Nov 17, 2021 - v16
This basically blinks a 10x8 matrix of normal leds, using a rp2040, but lets you change the blink frequency, and add shapes, and sublimal text of regular text to the display.
Currently is plays a 2 minute cycle with
- subliminal text on first run after reboot
- some sublimal images, ending in a quick look at it
- some blank part of matrix,
- some floating text followed by happy face
- and some clear text at the end
- potentiometer to change blink frequency
- touch sensor to disable subliminal message and shapes and return to simple blink supercomputer
- add code to run off a usb-powerbank to burn just enough current every 15 second cycle to keep the powerbank alive
- change the patterns a little -- more faces, less beer
Next Step: John Conway's Game of Life is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0
by James Zahary Nov 17, 2021
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