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.net sdk for elrond with example projects

  • change transaction amount handling to big decimal or similar
  • better function responses e.g return transaction information after send
  • allow user defined fee/get recommended fee from api
  • convert to C with .NET bindings (speed improvement)

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using ERDLib;

Elrond a = new Elrond;

a.FromPEM(String filelocation);
a.FromJSONKeystore(String filelocation,String password);

a.ToPEM(String filelocation);

a.SendTransaction(String receiver,String value,String data = "");

Imports ERDLib

Dim a As New Elrond

a.FromJSONKeystore(filelocation, password)


a.SendTransaction(ByVal receiver As String, ByVal value As String, Optional data As String = "")