Manage the level of reflectivity. Shows in the green channel.
Select f0
to convert the material input's metallic channel to the f0 value.
Select Use preset
to select from a list of presets provided by
If Use preset
is selected, a dropdown list of hardcoded metal values and
common dielectrics is shown.
Manage the subsurface scattering and porosity values. Shows in the blue channel.
Select Subsurface scattering
to use only the SSS value in the specular
texture's blue channel, Porosity
to use only a porosity value, or
Blend SSS with porosity
. Selecting to blend the two values will reveal inputs
for blending mode and opacity.
Clamps the emissive level. Shown in the alpha channel. Set to 0
to remove the
alpha channel.
Select the source of parallax object mapping in the dropdown menu. Select
Custom input
to provide a displacement map. Select Use heightmap
to use the
material height as the POM depth. Selecting Disable POM
will exclude the depth
map from the alpha channel.
Select Use input
to provide a material's AO output. (Provide a entirely white
texture input to disable AO output.) Otherwise, Convert height to AO
generate AO from the material's height. Selecting this option will reveal
settings to manage AO spreading and levels.
Activate the User1
and User2
channels under the Channels section in the
Texture Set Settings window. Click the cog icon to set the colorspace to
. The Color channel
option should also be selected.
Add filter in the Layers window. This will enable the specular texture
output in the shader's User1
channel and the normal map the in the User2
channel. Select these channels from the dropdown list in the 2D/3D viewport to
enable the labPBR output preview.
(See Substance Designer section for a description of parameter usage.)
Create a new Output Template preset which includes RGB+A output maps named
and $textureSet_n
Drag the User1
channel from the Input maps section into the RGB channel of
the $textureSet_s
output. Drag the user channel once again to the output map,
and drop it in the alpha channel (labeled A). Select the A Channel option
after dropping User1
into A.
Repeat the process with the User2
channel into $textureSet_n
's RGB+A