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Detroit Ledger - Grant Scrapers


For retrieving grant data from websites of private foundations in Detroit. Currently, there are three projects: a scraper for Ford Foundation, Kresge Foundation, and Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan (BCBSM). Since Ford Foundation allows downloadable CSVs, the scraper bot for Ford focuses on opening the CSV url of grants and filtering the list by checking whether the grantee is alreayd in Detroit Ledger's database, grantee's name has the word Detroit in it, and/or Detroit is listed under the grant's Benefiting Locations. Alternatively, matcher-standalone.html can be used to sort out the matches. Meanwhile, scrapers for Kresge Foundation and BCBSM currently use a pre-selected search field url to specifically target grants with Detroit as their Program field, and 2016 as Year for BCBSM.


Organization Year Status
Carls Foundation 2012 ENTERED
Carls Foundation 2013 ENTERED
Carls Foundation 2014 ENTERED
Carls Foundation 2015 ENTERED
Chrysler Foundation 2014 ENTERED
C.S. Mott Foundation 2014 ENTERED
DTE Energy Foundation 2014 ENTERED
DTE Energy Foundation 2015 ENTERED
Ethel and James Flinn Foundation 2014 ENTERED
Ford Foundation 2006 SCRAPED (n=35)
Ford Foundation 2007 SCRAPED (n=50)
Ford Foundation 2008 SCRAPED (n=38)
Ford Foundation 2009 SCRAPED (n=71)
Ford Foundation 2010 SCRAPED (n=59)
Ford Foundation 2011 SCRAPED (n=55)
Ford Foundation 2012 SCRAPED (n=11)
Ford Foundation 2013 SCRAPED (n=54)
Ford Foundation 2014 SCRAPED (n=55) & ENTERED (n=32)
Ford Foundation 2015 SCRAPED (n=64)
Ford Foundation 2016 SCRAPED (n=65)
Ford Foundation 2017 SCRAPED (n=7)
Kresge Foundation 2009 SCRAPED (n=70)
Kresge Foundation 2010 SCRAPED (n=81)
Kresge Foundation 2011 SCRAPED (n=71)
Kresge Foundation 2012 SCRAPED (n=136)
Kresge Foundation 2013 SCRAPED (n=78)
Kresge Foundation 2014 SCRAPED (n=123)
Kresge Foundation 2015 SCRAPED (n=79)
Kresge Foundation 2016 SCRAPED (n=58)
Max M. & Marjorie S. Fisher Foundation 2015 ENTERED
Skillman Foundation 2014 ENTERED
Skillman Foundation 2015 ENTERED
William Davidson Foundation 2014 ENTERED
William Davidson Foundation 2015 ENTERED


See requirements.txt for the full list of modules to run the program. There are only three modules to manually install in your Python virtual environment:

python3 -m venv .
(Linux) source bin/activate
(PC) source Scripts/activate
pip install r- /path/to/requirements.txt

Although this will install all the necessary modules to run, running the scraper for Kresge Foundation will require either Chrome WebDriver or PhantomJS WebDriver. For using Chrome: uncomment Lines 30 & 37 in, uncomment Line 26 in For using PhantomJS: uncomment Line 28 in as well as Lines 22-26 for spoofing bot headers (same for


Kresge Foundation

Line 33 in directs the Selenium WebDriver to Kresge Foundation's grant database with the search field Program already pre-selected to Detroit. Although def scrapeKresge() (Lines 58-114) is responsible for iterating through the list of table rows and recursively navigating pages to scrape grant data awarded by Kresge since 2009, the function def KresgeDetails() (Lines 36-46) is called at Line 80 to retrieve not only the url of the grant's "profile page", but also its full-length description by opening the "profile page" in a new WebDriver. To scrape all the grants from Kresge Foundation with Detroit as their Program Field:

python3 scrapers/

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan

Line 18 in points to the main url for displaying online tables of BCBSM grants awarded in the past. Meanwhile, Line 30 can use xpath, css, or html tags to .click() and choose specific year of grants to display from 2014 to 2016.

On a different note, given that many of the grants awarded by BCBSM are to individual researchers with format (e.g.):

FirstName LastName, Title(s)
AffiliatedInstitution, AffiliatedDepartment

where AffiliatedInstitution is typically an organization already captured in Detroit Ledger DB (e.g. Wayne State University), the function def cleanData() (Lines 33-58), as the name suggests, receives the above sets of data as a list. Then from Line 37 to 56, the format for description of grant recipients who were mentioned in Investigator Initiated Research Program, Physician Investigator Research Award Program, or Student Award Program becomes FirstName LastName, Title(s) {at} AffiliatedInstitution, AffiliatedDepartment {for} ResearchProject.

Aside from this cleaning portion, both granter_id and start/end are hardcoded for BCBSM and 2016, respectively. Finally, in the function def scrapeBCBSM(), Lines 62-66 are important for targeting the list of common HTML elements. So in the case that BCBSM redesigns their website layout for grants awarded page, these lines should change accordingly.

To scrape all the 2016 grants from BCBSM and locally create a CSV formatted for Detroit Ledger Schema:

python3 scrapers/

Ford Foundation

Line 22 in points to the CSV download url for list of grants awarded by Ford Foundation from 2006 to 2017. As of June 28, 2017, there were 16,673 retrieved from the downloaded CSV file. Similar to my approach for Kresge Foundation above, the download url I used already applied 2006 and 2017 to the FiscalYearStart and FiscalYearEnd search fields on the Ford Foundation grant website.

In def getFordCSVGrants() (Lines 34-70), the commented out if statements between Lines 41-48 was where I experimented with 4 different methods to compile the most comprehensive list of Detroit-based grants:

  • If Detroit is in CSV's Benefiting Locations (returned 253 results)
  • If Detroit is in CSV's Grantee name (returned 53 results)
  • If CSV's Grantee name is already in Detroit Ledger DB () (returned 383 results)
  • All of the above (returned 582 results incl. one with nan value)

To scrape grants awarded by Ford Foundation from 2006 to 2017 and to locally save a filtered CSV file for Detroit Ledger Schema:

python3 scrpaers/


  • grantee_id is missing in the CSV output:
    • Either use matcher-standalone.html,
    • Or use the list of dictionaries csv_orgs (Line 85)


  • Essentially set certain range of dates for the scrapers to run by themselves on a server?
  • Python's built-in module time

Year as Parameter

  • Currently, both scrapers use urls from pre-selected search fields (especially Lines 83-84 in
    • Ask for a prompt asking Year for each scrapers
    • This could be expanded to other fields such as location, grant types


  • Note(s) for
    • [CSV Output] Although number of grants matched up for year 2014 between the online database and IRS Form 990, there may be more refined method of finding list of relevant grant data
  • Note(s) for
    • [CSV Download URL] For some reason, all the column headers have a blank before label (e.g. ColumnName). This is why I intentionally included the empty spaces in Line 39 while reading in the CSV as pandas DataFrame object.
  • NoSuchElementException while running the scrapers:
    • This is usually the case when the HTML layout changed such that xpath and/or css names, or HTML elements shifted
    • During such instances, use Google Developer Tool ('Inspect') to re-calibrate the scrapers


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