This is a PWA version of Freecell, rewritten from a web version I wrote in 2001 and now rewritten consistent with what I hope are best practices in the 2019 web.
The goal is to have a super-simple, super-light version.
I've written a Medium article going into some details of this at
There are extra files in this repository not in the manifest - namely the svg files that I convert to png icons.
MANY thanks to jamesjohnson280 for his Medium Article "Hello World" which is an excellent tutorial on writing a PWA. I've tried other tutorials, but his actually worked for me.
ADDITIONAL thanks to kosamari for solving the problem of updating PWAs hosted on github:
The icon is based on the open source twemoji file for the crown emoji
0.2 - playable and described in medium. 0.3 - limit the automatic moves to Foundations 0.4 - establish full undo and ability to list the moves 0.5 - recreate the microsoft 32000 using the David Blau's
See GNU license in this folder