Project01 for the subject "Topicos de telematica"
Team Members
- Juan Diego Mejia Vargas
- Luis Angel Jaimes Mora
- Esteban Gonzalez Tamayo
To run the client, leader o follower you need to do these steps
To run this code without using docker-compose you can't run more than one follower on the same OS
To run multiple instances of the follower the team proposes Docker compose because here you can run more than one follower instance in only one device like your computer or AWS EC2, Digital Ocean Droplet, GCP Compute Engine.
Before start you need to install docker and docker-compose
Once you install docker and docker-compose you need to run these commands to try yadb, go to project root folder and check if docker-compose.yml file exists if not please let us know.
Create docker-compose
docker-compose up
- Once you run this command on your docker desktop you will see the docker compose running 6 follower 0 - 5 and one leader.
- Run client with your pc private ip like or your cloud instace public ip like ""
- You can modify on docker-compose.yaml the volumes, the team decide to binding the volumes for demostrative uses.
To kill the docker-compose run
docker-compose kill -s SIGINT
To delete images
docker image rm leader follower
To kill all process and containers
docker system prune
To kill docker process
sudo ps -A | grep docker